I am testing who receives this post by email with “Test from Post” in the subject. I will send out another with “Test from email” in the subject and will send from my personal email so we can get to the bottom of this problem. If you could reply to my personal email address which one /or both you have received – thank you.
This problem has nothing to do with the way I am posting – verified by Rebecca and Marion! Simon has done some cleaning behind the scenes so we will see if this has fixed the problem.
This is the post from Tuesday 12 Sep :-
Our next rehearsal 7pm on 19th Sep De Molay House – for a do it ourselves rehearsal as Astrid is away in NZ. Bring a plate and stay for a cuppa.
Cheers Lesley
Hi Lesley I didn’t receive any emails. I have been coming to Choir since the start of August and have recently paid for this term. I have subscribed but not sure that I am on the list yet.
We r having problems with the emails from the posts.
Please Check the website for new posts.
Rehearsals are 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesdays of the month @ 6:45 pm for a 7 pm start
@ De Molay house.
Best wishes Lesley