First Rehearsal this Tuesday

After a fabulous workshop on Saturday to start the year off, our first rehearsal is this coming Tuesday 4th Feb – same time, same place. 6.45pm for 7pm start. Don’t forget to register as you come through the door (a requirement of our hall hire); and current music will be available.

We encourage you to pay a Term or Yearly fee early in the year – this goes towards music purchasing; musical director and accompanist fees, and you may have noticed at the workshop, our recent upgrade of the piano. See website Fee tab.

Are you interested in helping with the organising of Choirbolical events? The next VOCE planning meeting is February 22nd, 9am at The Other Bird cafe on Margaret Street. VOCE is the group that helps our choir run smoothly. Let Wendy know if you intend coming along – all welcome.

Love to Read??? The next best thing to singing!! The books Gail and Stu brought along to the workshop were most welcome. A little book exchange box could be a new feature of our rehearsals. Bring a book along to swap before rehearsals.

Thankyou again to all who came along to make our workshop so enjoyable.

Workshop on Saturday

Just a reminder that our February workshop is this coming Saturday – 1st Feb. 8.30am-12.30pm. Great music & great people, so if you love singing come along for a morning of music making together. Pre-payment of $25 most welcome. Music provided.

Details are in the previous post on the website. See you there.


Here are the details for our February Workshop to start our singing year with Choirbolical.

DATE: Saturday 1st February 8.30am registration – 12.30pm finish

VENUE: DeMolay House – Margaret St Toowoomba

Cost: $25 / person – Direct banking is preferred. Banking details:   

Choirbolical BSB 633000  Account 120540877

BRING: a small plate to share for morning tea. Coffee & Tea provided.

MUSIC: provided.

Attached is a flyer if you wish to print and share with others.

Happy holidays & New Year

Hopefully everyone is enjoying Summer holidays with family and friends. Heading into the new year, don’t forget to put our confirmed date for the Choirbolical Workshop to start 2025 into your calendar.

Saturday February 1st. 8am to 12.30pm. Details to follow.


Looking for more singing over the Summer? Tony Backhouse sent this invitation to join his Summer Song Music camp.

SUMMERSONG MUSIC CAMP 2025 I haven’t missed a Summersong since it started in 2000, when the wonderful Kristina Olsen and I were the only tutors.
It’s now grown to become a remarkable cultural/creative/social/fun event, delivering unpredictable delights within the most supportive community, and the best audience you’ve ever had.
If you’re a total beginner or an experienced musician, this is for you, for everyone. An inspiring way to start the new year! Be there!

Choirbolical end-of-year Break-up & Concert

You are invited to celebrate another wonderful year of Choirbolical singing this coming Tuesday 3rd December. Family and friends are all welcome.

5:45 pm Bring a plate of food to share – outside if the weather is kind to us. Tea and coffee available, but please bring own cold drinks.

7:00 pm Concert – if you are singing, there is a list of music in order – see previous post/email.

See you there with Christmas bells on!


Alleluia – 3 times, watch for the ending


Cante Hodie!

Homeward Bound

All the Pretty Little Horses

Calling Me

Turn the World Around

Every Night

Living in the Bush

This Day

Thanks to the committee who managed everything behind the scenes and kept us on track. Thank you everyone for being so enthusiastic and joyful throughout the year. Thanks to Deborah for playing for us this year, her skill at catching the choir when things are going sideways and her playful nature that makes rehearsals so much fun. I hope you are all looking forward to 2025.

Rehearsal reminder

This coming Tuesday 19th November is our final rehearsal for the year! The following rehearsal on 3rd Dec will be our End of Year get-together and Sing for Family and Friends.

While we do not have a concert to sing in next week end, we do have an invitation to attend the Australian Voices album launch and concert on Saturday 23rd November. John Rotar, composer and musical director has sent a note:

I wanted to share with you our discount code : FRIENDSOFTAV, which will get you a discount with any ticket purchased online (links below). Here is the facebook event : Here is the direct ticket link :

Hope to see lots of Choirbolical folk there 🙂

Concert event postponed

Unfortunately the concert planned for 24th November has been postponed until March 23rd next year. A number of people in the host choir Voicemale and another choir were not able to attend or ill, so they decided to do the Toowoomba Homeless Project justice by postponing.

OUR own Family and Friends concert will be on Tuesday December 3rd. This will celebrate our end of year. Bring a plate to share on the lawn outside from 5.30pm. Concert will begin at 7pm. ALL WELCOME.

Other dates for your 2025 calendar :

Choirbolical’s start of the year Workshop is Saturday morning February 1st.

A Cappella workshop with Tony Backhouse March 27th. 7-9pm

Rehearsal Tuesday 5th

A little reminder about our next rehearsal this Tuesday. 6.45pm for 7pm.

So many great songs to polish up – so check out the list and practice tracks in Repertoire.

VOCE meeting to follow rehearsal to plan our end of year events and start looking forward to 2025! All welcome.

If you are in Toowoomba on Sat, Nov 23 5-7pm St Lukes, you may like to go along to The Australian Voices concert. They are always extraordinary and our own past musical director Margaret is one of the fabulous vocalists. This is the same weekend as our concert folks!

Tickets here:

Talking about past Choirbolical directors – if you didn’t see Astrid with the PM recently on Spicks & Specks here it is:

And did you know Choirbolical is a member of ANCA? You can find lots of interesting information and links to newsletters and events here: