Date Claimers & VOCE minutes

Date Claimers and forward planning is detailed in the VOCE minutes below.

Put these Dates in your diary for the end of 2019:

August 15th (Thursday) – An extra do-it-ourselves 1hour rehearsal 7-8pm deMolay and Social cuppa next door at Parkhouse.

September 13th (Friday) JAZZ Club performance. 7.30pm

October 27th (Sunday) BIG SING – all day workshop and concert

October 29th (Tuesday) Early rehearsal 6.15pm followed by end of year social event

November 5th (Tuesday) Charity, Concert & Cake 7pm

December 8th (Sunday) Wonderland of Lights – 6pm end of year dinner at Park House, Performance 8pm in park.


Park House Café
7 pm, Monday 22 July 2019

Apologies:     Lesley Pollack, Eileen Munro, Susie Fredline.

Present:        Marion, Rob, Stuart, Gail, Chris R. Pam

  1. Financial Report
  • Tabled by Rob and approved
  • Choir on track to be on or slightly ahead of budget
  • Payments made by the Treasurer for Matt Collin’s services at Tenterfield and Cancer Council May Concert approved
  1. Cancer Council
  • Receipts from Pam Wilson provided to the Treasurer ($1000 + $832)
  • Pam & Natalie attended thank you morning tea by Cancer Council and received certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Choir.
  1. Rehearsals and Performances July to Dec
  • Astrid and Matt’s schedule until the end of December noted.
  • Extra Rehearsal Thursday Aug 15 (in preparation for Jazz Club performance)
    • Extra non-formal rehearsal at De Molay House at 7 pm (confirmed with Edward)
    • 1 hour rehearsal
    • Social gathering after at the Park House (Pay for your own food and drinks)
    • Stuart to approach Chris Meibusch regarding screening of Tenterfield Choirbolical performance.
  • Jazz Club performance on 13 Sept
    • Arrive at Jazz club at 7:30 pm
    • Performance at ~9:00 pm
    • Arrangement details from Rob
    • Rob to book tables at Jazz Club for Choir
    • Repertoire
      • Ya Basta
      • Halo
      • The Last Rose of Summer
    • Astrid to conduct and possibly Matt can attend.
  • Big Sing 27 Oct in Brisbane
    • Repertoire to be finalised prior to date
  • Rehearsal and Social Event 29 Oct (Last for Astrid and Matt)
    • Rehearsal to start at 6:15 pm
    • 7:45 – 8:30 pm end of year social gathering at Park House
    • Cost and method of payment to be determined once numbers and catering decided
    • End of year formalities (To be discussed at next Voce)
  • Concert and Cake Tuesday 5 Nov
    • De Molay House
    • Set up planning team to oversee event. A sub-committee to be organised
    • Pam to liaise with TDDSSG
      • Items for program
      • Raffle prizes – contributions from members and businesses invited
    • Repertoire – same as Big Sing
  • Wonderland of Lights Sun 8 Dec
    • Park House booked for 6 pm for social gathering and meal
      (pay your own food and drinks)
    • Performance at 8 pm
      • Neither Astrid nor Matt available for 2 rehearsals before. Clare is available for rehearsals and performance.
      • Accompanist
      • Payments to be discussed and finalised at next Voce.
  1. Forward Planning for 2020
    • Arrangements with Astrid and Matt discussed.
    • World Symposium of Choral Music in Auckland (11 – 18 July)
      • Potential for Choir to attend as a group to perform in fringe events
      • Pam and Gail to provide information to Choir at rehearsal to gauge interest
    • The concept of 2 Weekend Workshops led by Astrid in 2020 was discussed.
      • Proposal to hold at Camp Stacey/Stacey’s at the Gap
    • Potential of attending Tenterfield workshop again in July was discussed.
      • Subject to potential attendance at World Symposium of Choral Music
    • Big Sing (Oct)
    • Concert and Cake for the hospice in May was agreed in principle
      • Ensure Choirbolical shares proceeds to support costs and small surplus
    • Spring Sing revisited
      • No final decision but may not happen if other events offer potential for musical enrichment and some financial support for Choir
  1. Carnival Choir registrations
    • To be mentioned at next rehearsal. Not a formal Choir event.
  2. Next VOCE meeting
    • Park House Sept 19 at 7 pm

Two more rehearsals this month 16th and 30th July

Two more rehearsals this month 16th and 30th July.  Meeting 6:45 pm for a 7pm start at De Molay House.

Tenterfield on Sunday 7th July was wonderful “The Chilly Sing”.  Make sure you come next year.  We learned some fabulous songs.  Thanks to all the organisers.  Chris Meibush has posted some videos of our concert on the “Just us Choirbolical” facebook page, remember you can’ t share these unless you get permission.  Let Chris know if you don’t have access and he will invite you.

Happy singing, Lesley