Choirbolical is looking forward to attending and performing at the BIG SING this Sunday.

The Queensland Kodály Choir and James Cuskelly invite you and your choir to The Big Sing! 2015. This event will again be held at St Aidan’s AGS, Brisbane on Sunday 1st November.

Registration 8.30am / Workshop 9.00 / Morning Tea 10.30/ Workshop 11.00/ Lunch 12.30 / Concert preparation 1.30/ Concert 3.00pm

We are excited to have James Cuskelly as the first presenter and welcome Sandra Milliken as the guest presenter for the second session of the day.

The Big Sing! is an opportunity for community choirs and interested members of the public to come together for a fun and challenging day of singing. No prior knowledge of music literacy is required – just a love of singing. Morning Tea and Lunch are included in the registration fee ($10 for unwaged/concession, $20 for adults) and a concert to showcase the music from the day will commence at 3pm.

Please RSVP via email to [email protected]. Any individual participants are welcome to RSVP before the event, or just turn up the day.


Voce Minutes 13.10.15

VOCE MEETING – 13 October 2015

Present:  Marion, Catherine, Rebecca, Kent, Pam, Dinah

Apologies:   Judy B

  1. Current membership list – need to confirm who is a current active member of Choirbolical.

Action:  Rebecca to send emails to “unknown” members  for clarification and possible removal

  1. Fees – a few members have not yet paid their fees for 2015.

Action:  Kent to make a verbal reminder at next rehearsal

  1. Current balance -very healthy balance at present.  Carla to be aware that she can purchase music and charge to/be reimbursed by Choirbolical.
  1. Sign for Demolay House

Action:   Andrew to get permission for us to put up a sign.   Details to include:  “Choirbolical – A Community Choir” and web site.

  1. Bus to Big Sing

Action:  Check interest next Tuesday and whether Chris M is interested in helping out.

  1. Introduction to Carla – Carla to come next week to rehearsal and be introduced to everybody and will be added as an administrator to the web site (Action:  Carla to liaise with Marion)
  1. Starting date for rehearsals next year:  Tuesday 2 February
  1. Proposed ½ day workshop with Carla – Saturday 13th February – this will allow one rehearsal to kick off the year and then the workshop to follow the week after.
  1. Starting Time for 2016.   Suggestion of 7 pm start.

Action:  Check with everybody next week before making a decision

  1. Repertoire:  VOCE would appreciate meeting with Carla before the end of this year to discuss ideas about repertoire for 2016

Action:  Meet with Carla early December – VOCE Meeting 6.30 pm Tuesday 1 December at Rebecca’s place.

  1. Christmas Breakup – 28 November at Rattrays’ place:  to invite Carla to come along as well
  1. One Day One Choir event –

Action:  To invite Elaine C to next Voce meeting (Tuesday 1 December) to discuss further and also to discuss possibility of joint concert.  Pam will send email to Elaine


  1. Spring Sing:  Saturday 10 September at the same venue.

Action:  Pam will email James C to ask him to lock in that date