Voce Meeting – minutes 20/5/08

VOCE Meeting – 20 May 2008

 Present:  Loretto, Andrew, Marion, Kent, Brian

Apologies:  Ritamay

1     Men’s Workshop.  On Sunday 15th May Jason Goopy will conduct a men’s singing workshop at Brian and Di’s place (19 Prince Henry Drive), commencing at 10 am and concluding with an afternoon tea to which the non-male members of Choirbolical are invited to come along and hear the results of the workshop.  All members of Choirboloical are invited to tell any males friends/relatives/colleagues to feel free to come along – cost $20 and bring something for a shared lunch.

2   Spring Sing.  Saturday 13th September.  Check with Choral Society.  If this is not available try Middle Ridge Hall.  To invite G/windi people at weekend of 31st May ($30 for waged participants and $15 unwaged).  If there is anybody who would like to do the flyer/program for this year’s Spring Sing let Marion know and she will provide you last year’s as a template.

3   Anzac Day Medley.  We would be happy for Margaret to organise a date and time on a weekend for us to perform our Anzac Day medley (and maybe some other songs thrown in) at Salem or somewhere like that.

4   Anzac Day.  Further discussion with the whole choir about what we do next year.  At the end of the year to review all of our performance commitments for 2009, including Anzac Day.

5   Gundy Workshop. Choirbolical not singing as a choir, but members are looking forward to attending a day of singing and hospitality at Goondiwindi.


Next Meeting:  Early August.