Rehearsals coming up

We have a few rehearsals before our Spring Sing & celebration weekend – SEE PREVIOUS POST to register and please forward our emailed invitation & registration link to anyone you remember who has had connections to Choirbolical over the years 🙂

This coming Tuesday and the following Tuesday will be early start rehearsals & include past guest musical directors:

Tues 30th August 7pm – a video rehearsal with Astrid. Music – Can’t Buy Me Love is available under the Repertoire Tab. Morgan is not available for this rehearsal so we will use other rehearsal files to finish the evening.

Tues 6th September 7pm – Tess (our very first musical director) will be our in-person guest until 8pm along with members of Toowoomba Taiko drummers. Music – Keep Your Lamps and Panis Angelicus – past members will have purchased hard copies & we have some copies still in a file. This will be followed by a short rehearsal of other repertoire with Morgan.

Our final past musical director Margaret will be part of one of the next 3 rehearsals. Music – What a Wonderful World – again past members will have copies and we will find more.

Look forward to having you join us.

21st Spring Sing Registrations now open!

Please use the following link to register for Choirbolical’s Spring Sing events.

The first page is for individual registrations to our 21st Spring Sing – Sunday 23rd October – open to anyone interested in having a wonderful day of singing with James Cuskelly OAM (our very first workshop musical director 21yrs ago) and Astrid Jorgensen (a past long term musical director of Choirbolical and now of Pub Choir fame). Choirs who wish to register as a group are also most welcome – please email Lee for a group registration form: [email protected]

The second page of the above form will take you to registrations for our 21st Celebration sing, barefoot bowls & BBQ party – Saturday 22nd October – open to all who have ever sung with Choirbolical, past or present. Come and join the party, reminisce, sing some past repertoire, catch up with friends and our musical directors from 21 years of singing as a choir.

DETAILS of venues, times and payments are on the forms. 🙂 🙂

Rehearsal and 21st celebrations update

A reminder that this Tuesday 16th will be a regular rehearsal night 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

Organising for our Choirbolical 21st birthday celebrations are well underway. We are currently finalising flyers, a dropbox for you to upload any memorabilia and registration details.

For all past and present Choirbolicals: Saturday 22nd Oct from 1pm at Toowoomba North Bowls Club is our very own party! – rehearsing selected past repertoire, barefoot bowls & bbq. $25 / $15 for partners joining bowls & bbq. Kids free. Whether you have been at choir recently or not, do come along and join our catch up and reminiscing of good singing times.

21st SPRING SING for Choirbolical & community choirs or individuals: Sunday 23rd Oct from 8.30am at City Golf Club – workshops with James Cuskelly & Astrid Jorgensen, followed by a 2.30pm concert. $25 Spread the word folks 🙂