VOCE minutes with upcoming dates

VOCE MEETING  – 21 March 2019

Present: ?Stewart, Gail, Marion, Chrissie, Di, Kent, Leslie, Rob, Pam

1. Performances 2019:

Following are proposed performances and activities for the rest of 2019.   Astrid & Matt will be asked about their availability on these dates:

a. Sun 7 July, 2 pm Tenterfield – Winter School Big Sing Concert.  Note: Choirbolical members are also welcome to attend the workshop prior to the concert

ACTION: Get numbers and attend – perhaps bus (check with Chris M)

b. UQ Singers Concert – Saturday 13 July, 5-6:3.  Choirbolical will host this as a fund-raising acitivity

ACTION:  Find venue:  Check with Eileen to speak with Mark/Artsworks.   Kent, Leslie & Chris to be sub-committee to organise and keep members informed.

c. Performance:  Cancer Council- propose Tuesday 21stMay, evening (rehearsal night) ACTION:  Pam to check with Cancer Council
d. Jazz Club performance – Friday 13September

ACTION: Check Astrid’s availability Rob

e. Big Sing – Brisbane 27 October
f. Town Hall Concert – Choirbolical Charity Concert –Sun 10th November 2.30 – 4 pm. After costs are covered extra proceeds to go to local charity/community group (yet to be decided).   Other choirs to be invited to perform:  High AltitudeHarmony, VoiceMale, Esk Community Choir, Dalby Choir

ACTION:  Stewart to go ahead and book Town Hall Annex (cost:  $800)

g. Christmas Lights –

ACTION:  Pam to check possible times/dates

2. NZ 2020 – Check with Astrid for dates and proposed activities and then see whether there is sufficient numbers/interest among choir members
3. Finances:  Rob presented financial report.   As there is no Spring Sing this year, which usually raises some funds for the choir, the Town Hall Concert  and the UQ Singers Concerts (see above) will hopefully have a profit to top up the account.
4. Next Meeting: 23 May

Next rehearsal 5th March

Remember it is the 1st, 3rd and 5th Tuesday of each month except Dec.

Be there about 6:45 for a 7pm start De Molay House next to the Park House Cafe.  To access the repertoire you need to click on the Log In link under the word Meta.  Please let us know if you need a password change or have trouble logging in.  Usually someone has a spare copy.

Apologies from me I won’t be there for the next two rehearsals unfortunately.

Warm regards,
