Welcome to singing in 2016

A new year of singing with Choirbolical will commence on Tuesday 2nd February with a new time of 7pm – 8.30pm.

We welcome our new musical director for 2016 – Carla Trott.  We look forward to another year of singing together and welcome new members, so do come along and enjoy.

Mark all the dates in your calendar from the Rehearsals tab.

Voce Minutes


Present:  Pam; Rebecca; Kent; Chris R; Catherine; Noel; Dinah; Carla; Marion

Apologies: Judy B


  • Dates and times for rehearsals next year – hall bookings
  • Fees – review?
  • Finances
  • Coordinating with Elaine Coates
  • Repertoire/music for 2016
  • Recorded parts
  • Performances
  • Accompanist
  1. Fees:  fees will remain the same, but $10 discount if annual payment made in Term 1.
  2. Dates for Rehearsals for 2016:  1st, 3rd & 5th Tuesdays, starting  Tuesday 2nd February – 6th December, 7-8.30 pm and a  ½ day 13th February 8.30 am – 1.30 pm.  Note:  Carla not available Tuesday 29 March, however we may meet then and rehearse ourselves.

Action:  Kent will let Demolay contact person know

  1. Social Gathering:  Chrissy Martin has suggested a pizza function at her place early in the year

Action:  Chris R to approach Chrissy M about idea of having lunch at her place (pizza) after February workshop with Carla

  1. Coordinating with Elaine Coates:

One Day One Choir – September 22nd, International Peace Day & joint concert, suggested by Elaine.

Action:  Pam will invite Elaine to come along to first Voce meeting in2016 and discuss this with us.  

  1. Finances:   All expenses for 2015 have been  covered and current balance is very healthy
  2. Repertoire:  Carla to look at some songs to start us in 2016 and hopefully get parts recorded before rehearsals begin and prepare for performances. Proposed performances are:
  • May (First Coat
  • impromptu performance at Bon Amici’s (June)
  • Languages & Cultures Festival (August)
  • Spring Sing (September)
  • Big Sing (October)
  • joint concert with Elaine Coates’ choirs (November).
  1. Accompanist:  Carla will think about her need for  this and get back to us depending on repertoire.
  2. Ordering Music:  Carla will organise reimbursement/payment with Catherine
  3. Next VOCE meeting Wednesday 27 January 2016, 6.30 pm at Rebecca’s