First Rehearsal 2019

Looking forward to seeing old faces and new at our first choir rehearsal for 2019 on Tuesday 29th Jan.  6.45pm at DeMolay.

You can find all choir dates under the Rehearsal tab and a new fee schedule under the FEE tab. It includes a casual fee if you can only come a few times in the Term and find this a better option. A year commitment will offer you a discount. Or pay by the term.

See you soon.

VOCE minutes

VOCE MEETING – 24.1.19

Present: Marion, Rob, Eileen, Pam, Lesley, Susie, Dia, Stuart, Chris R, Gail, Kent

Apologies: Catherine


  1. Treasurer: Rob was gratefully acclaimed as new treasurer.  Catherine will remain a  co-signatory.
  2. Kent will take minutes for the meetings he is able to attend and Pam when he can’t attend.
  3. Announcements at rehearsals:Action:  Lesley will do this as well as continue putting up posts on the website, Marion if she isn’t there
  4. Somebody who will welcome new attendees, give them flyer and take their names and contact details: Action: Gail agreed to do this
  5. Insurance policy; Action: Rob to check to ensure we have a copy of this handy
  6. Liaising with Astrid & Matt – eg. around proposed performances, rehearsal dates, etc: Action:  Susie & Stuart
  7. Facebook page:Currently not active.  Action: Susie agreed to take responsibility for keeping the Facebook page current.
  8. Financial Report: Action: Rob will present a summary statement of income and expenditure each meeting.  Any specific questions can be directed towards Rob at the meeting
  9. Reimbursement to Marion for gifts; Action:  Marion to present a statement to Rob for reimbursement
  10. Ideas for Performances:
  11. Infinite Care – newly opened aged care facility request for a performance later in the year Action:  Di to keep informed later in the year.
  12. Westhaven RSL care has asked us to come back – possibly Anzac Day. Action:  Stuart and Susie to check Astrid’s availability
  13. Stradbroke Island possibility – Action: Kent will ask Loretto to check with AnnBermingham whether there have been further developments
  14. End of year concert:Concept of performing the year’s repertoire, with one or two other selected choirs.   Partner with a community organisation and any proceeds after costs donated to this organisation.  Date:   A Sunday afternoon in November – Action: Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid and confirm date
  15. Sunshine Coast – Oriana Choir. Choral Festival – 15 June.  Action:  Check details with Matt
  16. NZ Choral Festival – 2020 – Action:Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid
  17. Tenterfield concert –Sunday 7 July poss. 2 pm – concert in Tenterfield Town Hall as end event of New England Music Winter School. Action:  Stuart and Susie to discuss with Astrid as to her availability
  18. Christmas Wonderland – Action: Susie & Stuart to discuss with Astrid as her availability
  19. Workshop: Date 17 February, CUA Ruthven Street,  booked from 8.30 am – 2.00 pm.     Commence 9 am – 11 am, food break,  30 am – 1 pm.  Cost: $20 waged, $15 unwaged and bring a plate of food


Welcome to 2019 from Choirbolical

We are looking forward to a new year of singing together. To start the year off here are some initial dates to put in your calendar:

VOCE meeting – Thursday 24th January 6pm @ Park House Cafe – all welcome to join us at the reserved table if you would like to be an active member of this group who will help with the smooth running of choir in 2019.

Find Nov 2018 VOCE minutes in previous post to see how you can help and what we may be looking forward to.

First choir rehearsal – Tuesday 29th January at DeMolay House Margaret St. 6.45pm for a 7pm start – 8.30pm finish.

Early WORKSHOP – proposed date: Sunday 17th February. Details to follow.

See you soon.



VOCE minutes Nov. 2018

Minutes of Voce Meeting  –  Thurs. 22ndthNovember

Present: Gail Hazell, Stewart Hazell, Chris R., Catherine, Pam, Judy B., Di Hensler, Marion, Lesley    Apologies: Kent

Item Action
Rehearsal 4thDec.

Proposed: an early finish to rehearsal so that the group can have a small get-together with finger food, tea and coffee, and present gifts to Directors and pianist.

Group members to provide finger food

Catherine to bring supply of tea, coffee, sugar and milk

End of Year Gifts thank you gifts to consist of cards and small gifts.  Gail had purchased a Christmas bunting gift and Marion will assemble a basket of healthy treats for Matt. Gail, Marion and various members  to buy the gifts and Catherine to buy the cards.
Christmas Wonderland carol singing was confirmed for Friday 7thDecember, 7:30 – 8:15.  Arrive at the gates at 7;00 and proceed to stage, to begin at 7:30

Other parts for ‘Coventry Carol’ and “May I Suggest”  have been posted to the website.

Astrid to plan repertoire
Finances:  Pam suggested that an overview of finances be presented at each meeting.

Discussion of fees was brought forward from the March meeting.  It was proposed by Stewart that because of the extra personnel employed by the choir and the additional performances undertaken throughout the year a slight increase to the fee structure should be considered at this time in readiness for 2019.

It was decided that the fees for next year be set at:

Yearly fees:   Waged:  $370.00     Unwaged:  $295.00

Per Term:      Waged: $100.00    Unwaged:  $80.00

Discussion was also held around the payment of a separate fee by people who are casual attendees.

A register of participants will be kept at each rehearsal to serve as a record of attendance for insurance purposes. There have been some objections to the ‘ticking’ but it was proposed that we continue with the register as a safety issue.  Chris will tick off attendees if they haven’t done so.



Marion will update information on the flyer in preparation for 2019

2019 Dates.

1st Rehearsal  – Tuesday 29th January.

Proposed Workshop date – Sunday, 17thFebruary.

Big Sing  Sunday 27thOctober  (Brisbane)

Lesley proposed that we hold the Feb. workshop n the CUA Hub.


Chris to check the availability of the CUA Hub for the Workshop.

Major events for 2019

Discussion occurred concerning activities for the choir during 2019.

Loretto wrote to Ann Birmingham at Stradbroke Is, inquiring about upcoming events that we could perhaps  attend and Ann replied that it will be discussed with her committee.

Matt also suggested a function at the South Coast with an associated choir called Oriana

It was noted that James Cuskelly would be attending the Winter School at USQ and we may to able to perform there.

A meeting to be held between Astrid and Matt and two Voce members to discuss co-ordination of activites/rehearsals for 2019 focusing on communication. recording of parts for repertoire and a trip to New Zealand to perform at a Musical function there.
2019 continued.

A suggestion was also put forward that we hold a special concert together with some invited local choirs, towards the end of 2019 that would include repertoire both old and new.

Discussion was also held regarding Choirbolical singing at other small community events throughout the year.

Suggested activities included a function with TRAMS.  Lesley proposed a combined drumming performance with Toni Trace who uses performances for people recovering from trauma.

It was proposed that Lesley compile a calendar of rehearsal dates and performances for 2019 and check both Astrid and Matt’s availability


Stewart to find out more information re the refurbished space at the Town Hall.


Consult with Michelle to investigate community functions that may be both receptive to listening to our choir and which would also enrich the experiences of the choir.



Lesley to compile calendar of events.


Choir members are to be encouraged to put in a little extra effort with their practices at home so that performances can be presented ‘sheet music free’.

Voce Meetings

Gail proposed that we conduct future Voce meetings at an alternative venue due to Pam’s increasingly busy family like.

We are very appreciative of the generosity of Pam and her family who have welcomed us to so many meetings throughout the years.  The warmth of the greetings one receives is a testament to the warmth of their hearts.

Voce meeting dates for  2019

24th January

21st March

23rd May

18th July

19th September

21st November.


Meeting closed at 8:00

Next Meeting to be held at the Park House Café, 24th Jan, 6:00pm

Lesley to check the availability of a small space in which to meet at the Café.