VOCE minutes

VOCE MEETING – 24.1.19

Present: Marion, Rob, Eileen, Pam, Lesley, Susie, Dia, Stuart, Chris R, Gail, Kent

Apologies: Catherine


  1. Treasurer: Rob was gratefully acclaimed as new treasurer.  Catherine will remain a  co-signatory.
  2. Kent will take minutes for the meetings he is able to attend and Pam when he can’t attend.
  3. Announcements at rehearsals:Action:  Lesley will do this as well as continue putting up posts on the website, Marion if she isn’t there
  4. Somebody who will welcome new attendees, give them flyer and take their names and contact details: Action: Gail agreed to do this
  5. Insurance policy; Action: Rob to check to ensure we have a copy of this handy
  6. Liaising with Astrid & Matt – eg. around proposed performances, rehearsal dates, etc: Action:  Susie & Stuart
  7. Facebook page:Currently not active.  Action: Susie agreed to take responsibility for keeping the Facebook page current.
  8. Financial Report: Action: Rob will present a summary statement of income and expenditure each meeting.  Any specific questions can be directed towards Rob at the meeting
  9. Reimbursement to Marion for gifts; Action:  Marion to present a statement to Rob for reimbursement
  10. Ideas for Performances:
  11. Infinite Care – newly opened aged care facility request for a performance later in the year Action:  Di to keep informed later in the year.
  12. Westhaven RSL care has asked us to come back – possibly Anzac Day. Action:  Stuart and Susie to check Astrid’s availability
  13. Stradbroke Island possibility – Action: Kent will ask Loretto to check with AnnBermingham whether there have been further developments
  14. End of year concert:Concept of performing the year’s repertoire, with one or two other selected choirs.   Partner with a community organisation and any proceeds after costs donated to this organisation.  Date:   A Sunday afternoon in November – Action: Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid and confirm date
  15. Sunshine Coast – Oriana Choir. Choral Festival – 15 June.  Action:  Check details with Matt
  16. NZ Choral Festival – 2020 – Action:Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid
  17. Tenterfield concert –Sunday 7 July poss. 2 pm – concert in Tenterfield Town Hall as end event of New England Music Winter School. Action:  Stuart and Susie to discuss with Astrid as to her availability
  18. Christmas Wonderland – Action: Susie & Stuart to discuss with Astrid as her availability
  19. Workshop: Date 17 February, CUA Ruthven Street,  booked from 8.30 am – 2.00 pm.     Commence 9 am – 11 am, food break,  30 am – 1 pm.  Cost: $20 waged, $15 unwaged and bring a plate of food


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