Rehearsal Update

Unfortunately with today’s Lock down announcement Morgan is unable to take choir this coming Tuesday. Many of us might also find that we have been in Brisbane since March 20th.
We will update this post next weekend about our next scheduled rehearsal for the following Tuesday 6th.
Relax and enjoy your Easter break and stay well everyone. See you soon.

Tuesday Rehearsal & VOCE meeting

Yes it is a rehearsal on Tuesday 16th! (Sorry if there was some confusion with my last post saying 17th). Have a look under repertoire for another piece of music to download – Fair Phyllis.

Also, everyone is most welcome to come along early to a VOCE meeting at 6pm. Voce is a group that supports the smooth running of our choir, and we will begin to plan singing events for this year. cheers, Marion

On another note: a great quote from this ABC podcast “Singing with Strangers and Spooky Men’ – In a choir you have allies!!