Park Sing, Registrations & Rehearsal

Join us for a Park Sing on Monday Oct 4th (Queen’s Birthday holiday!) 4.30pm- 5.30pm at Botanical Gardens on a grassy spot near cannon. Bring all music.
A reminder that today 30th September Registrations for SPRING SING are due. See: Events tab or below.
Tuesday Rehearsal – this coming Tuesday Oct 5th. 6.45 for 7 start.

SPRING SING – Fill out your details to register & pay: Choirbolical Spring Sing BSB 633000  Account 120540877 (Choirbolical folk – remember you may have a credit from cancelled Tenterfield event) 

Individual Registration:…FFslULx3PKI7FhA/viewform    N.B individual registration automatically emails your registration.

Group Registration:   2021 Group Spring Sing Registration Spring-Sing2021-Flyer2  N.B. the group registration will need to be downloaded and emailed to the address on form.

Extra Park Practice

To anyone free and in Toowoomba this coming Tuesday 28th – 4.30pm – 5.30pm come along to the Botanical gardens – North-West corner to be out of any wind. We will bring practice tracks and have the chance to practice with each other our current repertoire. Of course the gardens are worth a visit too!!
On another note – we were saddened to hear our long time past treasurer Catherine’s husband Wal passed away and our thoughts are with her at this time.

Tuesday rehearsal

Just a reminder of our rehearsal this Tuesday (21st) 6.45pm for 7pm. Bring along all your music.
And don’t forget to register for the day of singing at our Spring Sing on the 9th October. The registration form is under the Events tab and do invite friends to the workshops from 8.30am and gold coin concert at 2.45pm being held this year at Highfields State School Community Arts centre.