Park Sing, Registrations & Rehearsal

Join us for a Park Sing on Monday Oct 4th (Queen’s Birthday holiday!) 4.30pm- 5.30pm at Botanical Gardens on a grassy spot near cannon. Bring all music.
A reminder that today 30th September Registrations for SPRING SING are due. See: Events tab or below.
Tuesday Rehearsal – this coming Tuesday Oct 5th. 6.45 for 7 start.

SPRING SING – Fill out your details to register & pay: Choirbolical Spring Sing BSB 633000  Account 120540877 (Choirbolical folk – remember you may have a credit from cancelled Tenterfield event) 

Individual Registration:…FFslULx3PKI7FhA/viewform    N.B individual registration automatically emails your registration.

Group Registration:   2021 Group Spring Sing Registration Spring-Sing2021-Flyer2  N.B. the group registration will need to be downloaded and emailed to the address on form.

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