Choirbolical virtual choir

Missing singing together? Join our Term 2 weekly online rehearsals with Matt through May and June to be part of a virtual choir project to learn and record a song that will put a smile on your face. Check it out here:

Most of you will have seen virtual choirs on YouTube. VOCE organised a trial run to work out the process. Many thanks to Matt for guiding us with his recordings of Ave Verum Corpus and to Rob for coordinating the post production. You can see our trial virtual choir here: Password: Choirbolical

To organise the online rehearsals in S/A/B groups we need you to register your interest by emailing Rob: [email protected] by Sunday May 3rd. Three people will be facilitating rehearsals online through zoom and email you all the details you need to know once you sign up. It will also be a chance to have a chat with people you sing with. Note: Term 2 fees need to be paid up to support funding the project. First rehearsal will be Tuesday May 5th. Times of groups to be advised.

Once again we can make wonderful music together during this isolating time!

Anzac Day Sing

Flanders Fields – a song for ANZAC Day

Feeling the isolation this Anzac Day? While you are home this Anzac Day, put your headphones on and sing along to the great recordings Matt has made of Flanders Fields.
We haven’t seen each other for a while and we are keen to re-connect. So where ever you are singing along to Flanders Fields, take a photo – at dawn, with memorabilia, just sitting on your veranda etc and send it to Marion [email protected] and I will attempt to put our photos in a collage to post.

Also coming soon – Choirbolical isolation choir project.

In Flanders Fields

Helllo Everyone,

Hope you are all well. Missing your wonderful faces each fortnight. I have added some new repertoire (though I believe some of you may have done it before) to the repertoire section. The parts are also there, so feel free to listen to your part until you are comfortable to sing with the ‘full’ track. I would love to do some kind of tribute in honour of Anzac Day – which won’t feel quite the same this year with no dawn services… more details to come. But for now, happy practising!

Much love,

Matt xx

Voce Update

To our dear Choirbolical, 

Sotto Voce! (a spoken remark in a quiet voice)

In these weird isolation times, some might be finding it tough, or enjoying slowing down and for others, not really so different. VOCE has been thinking of you all and working with Matt to find ways we can replicate that good ‘ol Choirbolical joy feeling!!

We’re also mindful these times may be too much and you may not wish to engage so, feel free to withdraw this Term and, if you choose, request a refund for the Term. (contact Rob … [email protected])

However, if you can hold tight and watch this space over the break, you’ll see the little gem ideas coming together, our dreams into reality. BUT, we also need your thoughts so Leave a Reply at oremail/ phone a VOCE member!   

… read on ….. 

So, where are we up to …1. Well, Matt’s still on the payroll and he has produced some awesome awesome mini YouTube sessions and more on the way.  and 

Plus the latest one in the post below. Thanks Matt!

2. We know these practices are different on ya lonesome. How do you finding these? Can these be improved or modified to keep you singing in the shower? Let us know, check in… email/ phone

3. Don’t forget your music and parts for all our songs are in the Repertoire …

4. Most of us have viewed virtual choirs (featuring our own Astrid)ABC
Virtual Choirs  

look at this one too…Camden Choir

5. VOCE is exploring our own virtual choir … Could be feasible! We’ll be putting together a trial next week with AveVerumCorpus – watch this space.
6. Can you think of other ways we can connect with each other? 
7. We’ll sing and virtually record easier known songs from our repertoire, such as ……?  using those excellent parts recordings AND/OR ask Matt to look for simpler pieces that would suit a virtual choir hook up? 

8. Members reported they luv Matt’s warm ups and chatter. What are your thoughts?

9. Please also be encouraged to join one of Astrid’s couch choir sessions to enjoy (and let us know how her recording process goes) Spot the choir members here

What’s next …1. Be encouraged to Practice with Matt.  and
2. Feedback to Matt, remember he’s smiling into a lens

3.View other current virtual choirs And beautiful music. Add a link to a post… here’s one from Loretto of the first piece ever sung by Choirbolical

try Corona Rhapsody:

4.Check in, ramble on …

5.Call a choir friend, see how they’re going, dream up ideas, give VOCE a boost!

all the best from VOCE folk

Ave Verum Corpus parts are up!

Hello All,

Quick note to say that parts for Ave Verum Corpus are up in the repertoire section. Download away and practise your part (and then singing along with the ‘Full’ version to see how you go keeping your part against the others.

Sending lots of love and best wishes – stay safe and well.

Matt xx

First Tuesday of April

Somehow this got stuck in drafts so it’s now “out of date” but I hadn’t forgotten to send out a first Tuesday “reminder”.

I know you don’t need any more reminders of what we are all missing but hope everyone is Keeping Safe and Keeping Singing!

A little bit of a personal plug:

I am presenting a French music and news show on community radio 102.7 Toowoomba DDB – first show going to air at 6pm TONIGHT!!! (Monday 6 April) It has been rushed through as another ethnic presenter is not available. It’s prerecorded and a bit rough (especially the French) but might introduce you to some French singers and escape from global news.
Remember to keep practising. See Matt’s rehearsal links in his recent posts and emails. Thank you, Matthew.
Michael M

P.S. First show sounded quite good, I think so hopefully #2 will go out next Monday at same time.

New rehearsal video

Hi All,

Hope that you are all safe, healthy and still smiling! I have uploaded another digital rehearsal for you to (hopefully) enjoy – focusing on Prayer of the Children. This is available at the following link –

Do let me know if you have any questions. Missing you all – but lets keep making music practising so that when the time comes that we can be together we are sounding fab!

Lots of love,


VOCE – choir update

Hope this update finds all our choir members well and happily enjoying some home time. Following is the minutes summary.
VOCE Teleconference – 
The following members called Rob to join the group:

Present: Pam Wilson, Marion Elvery, Matt Collins, Rob Sandison,

Minutes: Rob Sandison?

Apologies: Chris Rattray, Michael Murtagh, Gail, & Stewart, Linda Rother, Catherine Dyson. 

Agenda Items:

Financials: Rob Presented the Financials for the first quarter. Hall Hire – Pam advised that the Hall Hire has been cancelled during the current crisis and that no fees will be charged. VOCE is grateful for the offer by DeMoloy House. Membership fees paid to date will enable us to continue to to pay Matt to be our musical director and facilitate singing.

Rehearsals and Performances Schedules

Live Rehearsals and all performances are cancelled until end of Term 2 (June 26th) VOCE will advise members at the earliest possible time of an extension to this date or, resumption of rehearsals. VOCE’s decision is based on Govt./Health advise. Regrettably, no future plans for performances or rehearsals can be made at this time. It is hoped that performances will resume in the 2nd half of 2020.

Proposed alternatives to Rehearsals and Performances – in the mean time ….

1. Matt has gratefully received all Choirbolical members ideas and has had discussions with Astrid and others in teaching/music circles of options.1. Feedback on Matt’s first YouTube practice video was unanimously and enthusiastically positive! VOCE requested that Matt continue creating practice videos to guide mini individual/x2 rehearsals and will include links to other practice YouTube videos. VOCE encourages all Choirbolical members to access practice videos and provide feedback to Matt.

2. Matt advises that connect en-mass via Zoom or other platforms is problematic, requires a lot of work, technical expertise and costs. There may be possibilities of small group ‘Zoom’ groups getting together to rehearse.

3. Matt will explore in consultation with Astrid and others in his field the possibility of some kind of on-line performance medium similar to Couch Choir/ABC Everybody Choir, with perhaps to a YouTube concert thereby providing a motivation goal for Choirbolical members.

4. Matt will outline a plan for the frequency and content/nature of YouTube posts and potential performance platforms before the next VOCE meeting in 3 weeks.

5. VOCE is keen for feedback from Choirbolical participants inAstrid’s ABC Everybody Choir event. Some members have communicated to Astrid their enjoyment of her segment in Australian Story on Monday night and encourage all Choirbolicals to watch.

Director’s Fees

Rob moved the following Proposal: Based on the successful implementation of a variety of strategies approved by VOCE and implemented by Matt …

That Matt be retained on his normal fortnightly rehearsal fee for three months. That VOCE review this arrangement early in June. That Matt’s normal rehearsal fee includes all preparation and posting of music parts in audio/video formats (excluding mass performances) and consultations with his music network colleagues, Choirbolical membersand VOCE. Passed unanimously.

Choir members connecting during isolation Comments can be left on the website. Marion will check if comments can be made private for log-in users only. VOCE will review of Choirbolical Facebook Pages shortly.

Next Meeting: 21 April Rob (0422543804) to join the group

Meeting Closed: 6:53pm.