Choirbolical virtual choir

Missing singing together? Join our Term 2 weekly online rehearsals with Matt through May and June to be part of a virtual choir project to learn and record a song that will put a smile on your face. Check it out here:

Most of you will have seen virtual choirs on YouTube. VOCE organised a trial run to work out the process. Many thanks to Matt for guiding us with his recordings of Ave Verum Corpus and to Rob for coordinating the post production. You can see our trial virtual choir here: Password: Choirbolical

To organise the online rehearsals in S/A/B groups we need you to register your interest by emailing Rob: [email protected] by Sunday May 3rd. Three people will be facilitating rehearsals online through zoom and email you all the details you need to know once you sign up. It will also be a chance to have a chat with people you sing with. Note: Term 2 fees need to be paid up to support funding the project. First rehearsal will be Tuesday May 5th. Times of groups to be advised.

Once again we can make wonderful music together during this isolating time!

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