Date Claimers & VOCE minutes

Date Claimers and forward planning is detailed in the VOCE minutes below.

Put these Dates in your diary for the end of 2019:

August 15th (Thursday) – An extra do-it-ourselves 1hour rehearsal 7-8pm deMolay and Social cuppa next door at Parkhouse.

September 13th (Friday) JAZZ Club performance. 7.30pm

October 27th (Sunday) BIG SING – all day workshop and concert

October 29th (Tuesday) Early rehearsal 6.15pm followed by end of year social event

November 5th (Tuesday) Charity, Concert & Cake 7pm

December 8th (Sunday) Wonderland of Lights – 6pm end of year dinner at Park House, Performance 8pm in park.


Park House Café
7 pm, Monday 22 July 2019

Apologies:     Lesley Pollack, Eileen Munro, Susie Fredline.

Present:        Marion, Rob, Stuart, Gail, Chris R. Pam

  1. Financial Report
  • Tabled by Rob and approved
  • Choir on track to be on or slightly ahead of budget
  • Payments made by the Treasurer for Matt Collin’s services at Tenterfield and Cancer Council May Concert approved
  1. Cancer Council
  • Receipts from Pam Wilson provided to the Treasurer ($1000 + $832)
  • Pam & Natalie attended thank you morning tea by Cancer Council and received certificate of appreciation on behalf of the Choir.
  1. Rehearsals and Performances July to Dec
  • Astrid and Matt’s schedule until the end of December noted.
  • Extra Rehearsal Thursday Aug 15 (in preparation for Jazz Club performance)
    • Extra non-formal rehearsal at De Molay House at 7 pm (confirmed with Edward)
    • 1 hour rehearsal
    • Social gathering after at the Park House (Pay for your own food and drinks)
    • Stuart to approach Chris Meibusch regarding screening of Tenterfield Choirbolical performance.
  • Jazz Club performance on 13 Sept
    • Arrive at Jazz club at 7:30 pm
    • Performance at ~9:00 pm
    • Arrangement details from Rob
    • Rob to book tables at Jazz Club for Choir
    • Repertoire
      • Ya Basta
      • Halo
      • The Last Rose of Summer
    • Astrid to conduct and possibly Matt can attend.
  • Big Sing 27 Oct in Brisbane
    • Repertoire to be finalised prior to date
  • Rehearsal and Social Event 29 Oct (Last for Astrid and Matt)
    • Rehearsal to start at 6:15 pm
    • 7:45 – 8:30 pm end of year social gathering at Park House
    • Cost and method of payment to be determined once numbers and catering decided
    • End of year formalities (To be discussed at next Voce)
  • Concert and Cake Tuesday 5 Nov
    • De Molay House
    • Set up planning team to oversee event. A sub-committee to be organised
    • Pam to liaise with TDDSSG
      • Items for program
      • Raffle prizes – contributions from members and businesses invited
    • Repertoire – same as Big Sing
  • Wonderland of Lights Sun 8 Dec
    • Park House booked for 6 pm for social gathering and meal
      (pay your own food and drinks)
    • Performance at 8 pm
      • Neither Astrid nor Matt available for 2 rehearsals before. Clare is available for rehearsals and performance.
      • Accompanist
      • Payments to be discussed and finalised at next Voce.
  1. Forward Planning for 2020
    • Arrangements with Astrid and Matt discussed.
    • World Symposium of Choral Music in Auckland (11 – 18 July)
      • Potential for Choir to attend as a group to perform in fringe events
      • Pam and Gail to provide information to Choir at rehearsal to gauge interest
    • The concept of 2 Weekend Workshops led by Astrid in 2020 was discussed.
      • Proposal to hold at Camp Stacey/Stacey’s at the Gap
    • Potential of attending Tenterfield workshop again in July was discussed.
      • Subject to potential attendance at World Symposium of Choral Music
    • Big Sing (Oct)
    • Concert and Cake for the hospice in May was agreed in principle
      • Ensure Choirbolical shares proceeds to support costs and small surplus
    • Spring Sing revisited
      • No final decision but may not happen if other events offer potential for musical enrichment and some financial support for Choir
  1. Carnival Choir registrations
    • To be mentioned at next rehearsal. Not a formal Choir event.
  2. Next VOCE meeting
    • Park House Sept 19 at 7 pm

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