Here are the details for the workshop and concert coming up on Saturday 8th June 8.30am-3.30pm in Stanthorpe with James Cuskelly and Caroline Ryan.

Please email [email protected] your intention to attend and include your lunchtime order from the menu link below – NM is non-member price. (Drinks purchased on the day).

Reply example: Mary Smith attending Chilly Sing. Lunch order: 1 x Caesar Salad $11 (NM)

Then before the day make a payment to Choirbolical BSB 633000  Account 120540877.

$20 + $11 = $31 Total payment $31 labelled with – Mary Smith Chilly Sing

In an unforeseen change in circumstances, and you are unable to attend and have made a payment please let Lee know 0413025722



AUSTRALIAN VOICES will be in Toowoomba this Sunday 3pm @ St Luke’s Tickets are available here: Featuring works by local composers including Margaret Tesch-Muller one of our former musical directors!

Update – it was the most exquisite performance and a tiny audience – next time come along!!

Rehearsal reminder

Our first rehearsal for the term is this coming Tuesday 6.45pm for 7pm start. Look forward to seeing you there. See previous posts for some date claimers coming up. VOCE will meet after the rehearsal and people are most welcome to join us to help organise up coming events.

Please note there is a 5th Tuesday this month so next rehearsals will be 30/4 & 7/5.

Date Claimers coming up

Here are some Choirbolical dates for your calendar.

Sunday 19th May 2-5pm Family & Friends Sing and Social. Time to catch up – St Stephen’s hall and church Neil Street.

Saturday 8th June Chilly Sing Stanthorpe Workshops and Concert. Please indicate your possible attendance at our next rehearsal. P.s. Stanthorpe is a lovely area to visit for a weekend away.

Tuesday 16th April – next rehearsal & VOCE meeting to follow. All welcome.

Looking for some inspiration to practice while we are on a holiday break? Here are two links for you to sing with and remember there are great rehearsal tracks and music under the Repertoire tab.

SAB version!

Rehearsal on Tuesday

Here is your reminder for our rehearsal this Tuesday, 19th March, 6.45pm for a 7pm start. So many great pieces of music with practice recordings for your part and if you do an internet search of title and arrangement, you can find some excellent YouTube recordings to watch and sing-a-long with!


The social concert event suggested for 16th March is CANCELLED or rather being rescheduled we hope for next term. Next rehearsal is 19th March followed by a Voce meeting where we can discuss upcoming events and ideas for a social get together.

Tuesday Rehearsal 5/3

Looking forward to our rehearsal this coming Tuesday 6.45pm for 7pm start. Don’t forget there are a couple of new pieces of music in Repertoire to download/ print. Come along with your smiling singing faces for a new group photo to headline our home page for 2024. 🙂

Date Claimer and more

Saturday afternoon March 16th – mark the date in your calendar as Choirbolical is planning an Afternoon concert of all we’ve learnt so far and having some socializing time. More exciting details to follow and suggestions welcomed!

A thankyou and opportunity. Our wonderful Judy is retiring her much valued contribution to Choirbolical graphics and a big thankyou from all of us. Now the opportunity – if you have an interest or flair (it does not need to be professional!) for designing, we are looking for some new graphics for our choir badges and possibly for programs during the year.

In other news, Choirbolical was represented at a Toowoomba Community ARTS workshop facilitated by Caroline on the weekend. What a wonderful exchange of ideas with clear aspirations for facilitating more advocacy for choirs and other arts groups that offer so much to our community. Congratulations to Caroline on this initiative.

Rehearsal Reminder for this Tuesday

Looking forward to seeing you on 20th February 6.45pm for a 7pm start.

Just a gentle reminder to check the fees under Fees tab and to decide on your payments for 2024- whether they are per rehearsal, term or year.

There are now lots of music and audio files for current members under the Repertoire tab to download, print and practice their parts. If you do not have access please see Andrew at rehearsals.

VOCE – the group of volunteers who keep our choir running smoothly will regularly meet this year after choir rehearsals on the third week of the month. All are welcome to stay and attend. Note – minutes are now available under the new tab if you wish to read.

see you soon for some singing!

Message from Caroline…. gee I hope I did this right?

If you could have a copy of Cantate Hodie so we can start looking at it this week, if not, we will definitely have a look the following rehearsal.

See you Tuesday!

Rehearsal reminder for Tuesday 6th February

Yes that’s right folks – this Tuesday we start our regular rehearsals! 6.45pm for 7pm start. We had an absolutely fabulous Workshop on Saturday with Caroline and Deborah and a great roll up. If you didn’t make it and are joining us on Tuesday – please find music available for you to print under the Repertoire tab. (If you are new and joining up this year and do not yet have access to the members only repertoire page – please see Andrew at rehearsals)

We worked hard, had some laughs and made some beautiful music – thankyou Caroline!

A choir in a community hall with a conductor and an accompanist.