Hello all who are hoping to join our Zoom Recording next Tuesday. Now is the time to get ready with some HOME PRACTICE. Here is how to do it:
1) Log in to Repertoire and find the Backing Music Track – hdiyl
2) Count 7 beats and start your “Ahh’ on 8 – there are then 6 full bars of counting 4 plus 2 more beats before the altos come in. It will be important for everybody to get an idea of singing their part in isolation.
3) On Tuesday Astrid will be recording her visual screen of us singing at home on Zoom. You will be watching Astrid conduct on your computer with a headphone in your ear. At the same time you will be recording your voice on a ‘voice memo’ phone ap. It might require a few takes- ha ha. (After – send voice recording directly to Astrid – [email protected])
4) Think about how you will juggle this set up!! Music laid out so you can look at the screen most of the time, with a spot to put your phone and record. Organise a buddy to sing with if you want – call a friend & work out how you will share the headphones!
Thankyou to the lovely people who came out to practice ourselves in the hall – we sounded fabulous singing in a circle (shades of Festival of Voices).
ps. Linda is looking forward to seeing you Sunday if you can make it. (Directions & phone number in previous post)