Here is what is happening to end our Choirbolical year!
Tuesday 29th – this coming Tuesday rehearsal 7.30pm (ready for Jazz club). Find a Jazz Club attendance form at the door – we need to let the organisers know our numbers a few days before. Options: 1. Coming only for performance (no charge) 8.15pm (warm up 8pm in carpark if fine) ; 2. Staying the whole evening (discounted $15) ; or 3. + additional friends or family attending for the evening (discounted $15). Marion will forward the tentative numbers Dec 2nd and confirm after 6th (text 0419718297 if you can’t make rehearsal but intend coming)
Tuesday 6th Dec – rehearsal 7.30pm – Final numbers for Jazz club.
Friday 9th Dec – JAZZ CLUB performance. 8:15pm (8pm warm up in the carpark if fine!) We are the ‘interval act’ for an evening of Jazz music by the Paul Hendon band – Rhythm Plus. N.B. the new venue: RINK 46 – formerly Drayton Bowls Club – crn Gipps and Ball St Drayton. Music starts at 7:30pm. Excellent meals are available from 5:30pm. Choir music – Lovely Day & Wonderful World +…
Tuesday 20th Dec – Final Choir night – 6.00pm for Drinks & bring a plate to share. 7:00pm Sing for ourselves – finishing the year with a sing through selected repertoire from the past year or two. Family & friends welcome to join us.