Parkhouse.  Planning for Fundraising Concert.

Attendees:  Eileen, Alison, Marion, Caroline, Sue, Wendy, Lee.

Apologies: Paul

Date & Time: Fundraising Concert for Toowoomba Hospice. Saturday 24th August, 2pm

Location: Drayton Hall, 39 Brisbane St, Drayton.

Carolyn will check with Philharmonic Soc. regarding the loan of choir risers.  She has a vehicle that can transport them.

Performers: High Country Community Jazz Band and Choirbolical.

 Also invited to take part:  Parkinsong, Voice Male, Ultrasound, Women in Harmony.

 Lee will contact these groups for an indication of participation by 2/7/24.

Marion will do flyer/poster, (A5, A4, Social Media ready) including logo of Hospice – Eileen & Alison to organise logo

Combined item:  “Happy Together” – with band and choirs.   Caroline has sent music, Lee will distribute to those taking part.

Cost & Afternoon tea? Entry $10 (includes tea/coffee & cake) plus donation to Hospice. 

Cake to be donated by Choirbolical members, tea/coffee/milk from Choirbolical’s supplies.   Set of afternoon tea up by Sue & helpers.

Tickets at the door – cash or EFT.  Eftpos machine or square from Hospice including personnel to operate?   Eileen & Alison will check with Hospice.

Someone to handle payments at the door (tickets & donations) with Hospice personnel.

Participants to receive $150 for performance.  If cash sales don’t realise enough to cover this, will need to arrange with Hospice – group sends invoice, Hospice pays.

Receipt book for cash donations – Choirbolical has one.

Motion: That we purchase 3 white tablecloths, to be used on occasions for Choirbolical.   Moved: Sue, Seconded: Wendy, carried.  Lee to purchase

Publicity: logos of Hospice, performing groups

Marion will do flyer – A5, A4 and social media formats.

Distributed through/by choir members, band members and networks.  Hopefully there will be an online space for publishing, soon.  Caroline to let us know when it is available.

Closer to the date, Sue will contact ABC radio – David Iliffe


Choirbolical VOCE Meeting 16th March 2024

St Stephens booked for 19th May social get together and sing a long at 2pm – 5pm. Will need some helpers there earlier to help set up urn etc.

Marion to send out info and ask members to bring a plate for afternoon tea.

Keyboard is now ready and Andrew will pick it up. Evidently there was nothing major wrong with it. If the fault occurs again, it should be taken straight in. It was decided that a case/cover would be beneficial. Marion will look at this when she picks up keyboard. She will also purchase a new Music stand.

Chilly Sing flyer needs to go on website & Facebook and information about payments and selecting and paying for a meal at the RSL.  Much easier for venue if we order meals and pay beforehand.

Marion showed us a couple of drafts for new Logo. Everyone was supportive of the draft – a few more minor changes to it. Lee to pass on names and Marion will produce new name tags.


VOCE Minutes 23/1/2024

Attendees:  Eileen Munro, Marion Elvery, Paul Williamson, Wendy Geue, Caroline Ryan, Lee Williams

Apologies:  Sue Price, Michael Scott, Alison Beattie


Music: *Quote from Snap Print – 50 pages for 4 songs, reduce pages by including All the Pretty Horses, Riversong, Coffee Song and lyrics of Homeward Bound.      Lee      Morning Tea: *reminder to members to bring food to share   Marion *Eileen to set up, organise milks and ask Helen Pope to assist.

Registration:  *$25 includes music and morning tea, same as 2023

* direct payment to bank account preferred – details on choirbolical.com

* cash float?

* Sue and Wendy to sign in.   Record Name, Email, Phone, check list of early payers (Rob will supply).                                    Wendy to prepare sign on sheet

* Give Bank Account details to those who haven’t yet paid.       Lee to prepare

* only accept cash if exact amount.   No change.

Other Business:

Term Fees:     * no increase on 2023, details on choirbolical.com.

                         * continue with “music fee” – covers copyright.

School Holiday Bookings: * cancel school holiday dates already in De Molay calendar. Lee

Treasurer:       * with great regret we accept the resignation of Elspeth from the role of  treasurer.   Moved Eileen, Seconded Wendy.  *  Lee Williams nominated.  Moved Paul Williamson, Seconded Marion Elvery *  Lee to contact Bendigo Bank and arrange change of signatures as required with Elspeth & Rob

Logo:               *current logo withdrawn, although existing name tags, flags etc may continue to be used  * open invitation to the Choir to offer artwork, at rehearsal 6/2/24 * Thank you card for Judy Brewer for artwork.                                   Eileen

Facebook:      * change of manager to Wendy – problem with deleting and adding * Marion to contact Chris Meibusch to organise                Marion & Chris * Wendy will manage when user access is sorted.

Website:        * Marion to continue to manage

VOCE Meetings: will occur on the third Tuesday of each month, after the regular rehearsal.

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