Voce Meeting- minutes 31.1.08

Present: Margaret, Andrew, Brian, Marion, Catherine, Ritamay, Loretto, Rebeka, Kent

1. Workshop. Jen Bergstrom and Jason Goopy (new voice teacher at St Mary’s and recent UQ graduate) will facilitate a workshop on Saturday 1 March. Jen will be facilitator for whole day while Jason will do 2 hour session

Action: a) Ritamay and Catherine will contact Choral Society and Lourdes etc. about halls.

Action: b) Kent will contact Paddy/Goondiwindi to invite them to attend

Action: c) Margaret will contact Jen about content and ask Jen to talk to Jason

Action: d) Media – Marion to put information about workshop on web site and negotiate/delegate contacting Chronicle

2. Presentation to Catherine for her hard work last year as Treasurer and as a bribe to continue it this year – Catherine graciously agreed to continue this year

3. Performances:
Anzac Day – Friday April 25th – performance at RSL Westhaven Village and lunch at Picnic Point following

b) Spring Sing – Saturday 13th September

c) Big Sing – probably 26th October

d) Christmas Tree Festival – Wednesday 10th December – ½hr

e) Jazz Club – middle of the year

4. Repertoire:
Margaret looking at new songs and revisiting some old songs (eg. Cloud’s Veil, Keep Your Lamps, Ni Yet Neni – Hebrew Song), some songs for men etc

5. Kent will send email about first rehearsal, new terms, workshop and nibblies to all members on old list and remind them to subscribe to web site.

6. Kent to send old email list to Marion to check who is subscribed and who isn’t and then to subscribe those who haven’t

Next meeting: Wednesday 23rd April – @ Brian’s

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