Our Choirbolical year of singing is finishing with a flourish.
- Tonight 12th Nov – a joint rehearsal with Toowoomba Vocal Ensemble @ Grammar Music room. 7.15pm. There will be someone to show us where to go from the Herries Street entrance.
- Life Line AGM – Thurs Nov 14 – Regents on the Lake – 6.10pm warm up for 6.30pm performance. Choir members welcome to stay on for a supper and charity auction to follow.
- Combined concert with Toowoomba Vocal Ensemble Sunday Nov 17th –  5pm @ Philhomonic Hall  – 7 Matthews Street Toowoomba. Choir members to meet at 4.30pm for a warm up. (Please supply in a disposable container cheese, biscuits or platter type fruit/vegies.)Audience – $15 entry $10 concession $35 family   Price includes wine and cheese at interval.  Pre-sale of tickets at rehearsals OR phone Elaine 46396080 OR at the door.
- Tuesday December 3rd @ PARKHOUSE next door to our rehearsal venue. 6.30pm for a meal (ordered from the menu)
- All choir members who have sung with us this year are most welcome. Confirm your attendance with Rob – 0422543804
- Bring your music ready for a ‘Flash Mob’ sing