VOCE minutes 2015

VOCE MEETING – 21.1.15

Present:  Marion, Judy, Kent, Loretto, Judy B

Apologies:  Rob

  1.   Keyboard purchased – thanks Rob & Astrid.
  1. Workshop with Astrid for new members and to get stuck into new repertoire:  1 March proposed date (changed from 15 February), dependent on availability of hall

Action:  Andrew to check availability of hall

  1. Spring Sing:  James Cuskelly has confirmed availability for Saturday 6 September.  He and Astrid will co-facilitate the workshop.  Queensland Kodaly Choir will attend and perform in the concert.   This gives us time to invite other choirs so that they can put it in their yearly program.  Toowoomba Vocal Ensemble to be invited.

Action:  Kent will email Elaine Coates to invite her choirs to participate.  Request a response by end February to facilitate planning.   Judy B will contact Warwick people.   Loretto to contact Pam re her Warwick contacts.  Kent will contact Penny Davies/Stanthorpe.

  1. Introductions to new members;  flyers for new members with information about fees, rehearsals, performances etc.


  1. Marion to prepare an information flyer which can be given either in hard copy or emailed to new members
  2. Noel & Loretto to share responsibility for welcoming new members when they appear
  1. Fees.

Action:  Rob to go over the current arrangements on the first night.

  1. Nibbles:    First and last rehearsals for each term.
  1. Performance in 1st half of the year at a Toowoomba community event.

Action:  Loretto to send an email out soliciting ideas from Choir members to be considered by VOCE

  1. Social events;  aim is to have one social event for each term.   Term 1 -  Workshop; Term 2 –

Marion & Andrew will invite choir to a joint meal at their place to bring instruments, songs, selves

  1. Music.  Astrid is organising pieces to start the year with


VOCE Meeting – 31.3.15

Present:  Chris R, Dinah, Pam W, Loretto, Marion, Kent

Apologies:  Judy W

  1. Spring Sing: Agreement to hire USQ Arts Theatre for $420 for the whole day.  Comes with piano (choice of 2 grand pianos), use of facility for the entire day.  Need to provide the following:
  1. Event-specific risk and safety plan (Action:  Marion to provide Pam with template used in school)
  2. Confirmation of technical requirements (eg. lighting)
  3. Completed and signed site licence (Action:  Pam and sub-committee to finalise)
  4. Full payment in advance but 60 day cancellation policy (Action:  Pam and sub-committee to advise Catherine of payment details)
  5. Need to provide insurance details of PL coverage of $10,000,000 (Action:  Catherine to provide copy of insurance coverage to Pam and sub-committee)

Action: Next Tuesday to meet at USQ Arts Theatre at 4.00 pm to check out the venue.  Anybody welcome to come.

Much thanks and appreciation to sub-committee for work done so far.

  1. Pop-up Performances – Saturday 6 June, 10 am – 12 noon

Action:  To meet at Groundup at 9 am next Tuesday and check out venues.    Suggestions are Cobb & Co, Groundup, Village Green, in front of street art installations.

  1. Festival of Voices:   John Hughes will be the secretariat for Hobart.  We will establish an email group next week to help with payment details.



Present:  Loretto, Dinah, Rebecca, Kent, Noel, Judy B, Astrid, Marion, Ritamay

Apologies:   Pam, Chris R

  1. VOCE Structure – review and how to communicate to choir members

To hold over to next meeting

  1. How to manage information to choir in rehearsal 

Action:  One member of VOCE to give very quick update on business issues;  this will be limited to 5 minutes maximum in order not to take up too much singing time

  1. Rebecca and emails

Rebecca will send emails that are about choir business only.  Members to make their own decisions what they wish to send independently and privately to choir members

  1. Spring Sing update

Agreement on fees to presenters as per proposal by Pam

  1. Follow-up on fees  and reminders

A number of choir members have not yet paid their fees.  A gentle/firm reminder will be made at rehearsals to check with Catherine if you are not sure whether you have paid

Action:  Email will go out explaining fee structure to all members

  1. Payment for Astrid for Tasmania

Proposal is to offer Astrid a contribution towards her time as choir director for performances in Hobart based on the number of performances.

Action:  Kent will communicate this offer to Astrid

  1. Astrid’s proposal to offer low fee places in choir

Action:  Announcement to choir in  email to go out from Loretto that inability to make payment should not be an obstacle to attending choir.   Loretto and Rebecca to be the people to contact for negotiation of fees

  1. Invitation to sing at Margaret St Markets 6th or 20th September

Proposal for 20th September,  performances 10 am and 11 am.

Action:  Loretto will email Chrissy to confirm

  1. Performance at Westhaven RSL Home

Suggested that this could be a performance in November for us to sing all of this year’s repertoire (Hobart, Spring Sing, Big Sing songs), and then to have a meal together afterwards.

Action:  Pam to check possible dates/times with Westhaven in second half of November, and to check Astrid’s availability

  1. Astrid’s Absence;

Astrid will be in Texas 18th August.   Possibility of 11th – Marion will check hall availability


Spring Sing Planning  -  from meeting 19.7.15

1. Flyer flyer+ accompanying email,  RSVP date, payment request, list of names,  special dietary needs, sent to interested choirs this week. (Including Cheep Trill and The Harmony Choir) Pam
2. RSVP set for 21 August
3.Payment Preference: 1. Choirbolical Bendigo AccountBSB: 633000

Acc No: 1205 40877

2. Cheque to Catherine

3. Pay on the day

All choirs+


4. Name Tags: -Request for list of names from each choir by RSVP date to Pam- Judy will prepare individual tags + blank spares

-Noel to  arrange printing and cutting at TAFE

-Rebecca will check bulk purchase of plastic holders

– set up on table at entrance

– signatures in attendance book/sheet (name adn choir)

Judy, Noel, Rebecca
5.Registration 2 tables set up if pre-payments are minimalChange


Dinah, Chris, Helen +
6. Catering: – BBQ suggestion from Chris. Greg offered to provide one BBQ and cook- Noel will check feasibility with Mark M. then we decide on best option

-Catherine has info from W’worths

-Maurice F has prices from Spar IGA

– Order platters, sausages etc

– Collect food

– arrange payment

Chris, Catherine,
7. Kitchen Duties Setting up, tables etcCleaning up

Urns tea/coffee/sugar/milk/cups/serviettes/spoons/juice

Recycling cups

Table cloths (Mark has offered)

Catherine (supplies)Rebecca to


8. Flowers, greenery For tablesPots for stage Helen W
9. Venue Issues 1.Risk Assessment2. Feasibility of recording concert+ cost

3.Tech and Staff requirements,

4. Site licence

5. Payment and evidence of public liability

Catherine + MarionNoel to ask Mark M

Catherine, Pam

10. Direction Signs For outside buildingCheck current A3 signs position Catherine
11.  Coffee vanTwo Moos Before workshopMorning tea Dinah , Kent?(Liaise with Michael)
12. Gifts for presenters Wine/ flowers ?? Loretto
13. Info to Choirbolical members Flyer + payment+ morning tea+ volunteers Rebecca
14. M.C. Welcome to choirs, housekeeping, details of program, time keeping, thanks Noel


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