Voce notes

Here is a summary of the VOCE meeting this past week noting up-coming events and looking ahead to 2020

Present: Susie, Pam, Chris R, Gail, Rob, Stuart (Minutes), Leslie, Marion

Apologies: Eileen Munro, Kent


Minutes as amended be accepted – carried 

Matters Arising – Nil

Financial Report: presented by Rob to be accepted -carried. De Molay House fees: Fees to increase (still very reasonable and accommodating). Rob will confirm booking dates for 2020.


Downs Syndrome Support Concert • Concert was a great success• Team worked well• Good feedback from Downs Syndrome society• Diversity of performance• Food and Drink worked well• Organisation of the Raffle should be streamlined• Need to be sure to acknowledge donorso Certificates for Sponsors • Support from Downs Syndrome community was valuable to success.o Performers received gifts on the night• Action – Collate information on the organisation of concert for future reference (organisation committee)• Future reference: Theme for night, limit number of songs/activities per group.• Potential for next year (2020) – two concerts in May (Hospice) and November (Refugee groups).
• Donation to Downs Syndrome for our recent concert = $2,100.

Christmas Performance

Sunday 8th December at 8:30 pm

Susie together with Josh Duffield and Melinda Burke will lead the choir for Christmas Wonderland performance.

On 19th Nov and 3rd December team will lead rehearsals.

• Social event for Choir prior to Christmas Concert at Park House, 6 pm.• Pay your own way. • Choirbolical and partners.• Numbers at 19th of November rehearsal. • Chris R to have form and make announcement. Note parking available behind historical society for performers. free Entry for performers – not before 7pm and preferably numbers given to gate attendant by one person as group goes through.

Conductor for 2020 Susie has volunteered to start Choirbolical off at the beginning of the year.

Alternative Conductors are being approached and any interest welcome.

Weekend Workshop in 2020• Suggestion is to go to Staceys Cunningham’s Gap for weekend workshop early in 2020• Include guest conductors• Drumming workshop• Gail to confirm booking still available and lock in one date. Details at next two rehearsals for feedback of interest.

Copyright Be sure to cover costs for use of music going forward.Susie to look into interesting Australian composers.

Web Site Leslie to be backup to Marion

Other Matters• Need to recruit more VOCE members.  Seek new members at beginning of 2020

• Choir to commence 4th February 2020

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