Dates coming up

Here is the list of dates and details coming up for your calendar.
May 4th – this will be a do-it-ourselves rehearsal. (Morgan is unavailable, but we will rehearse ourselves in parts and together using recordings from 7pm – 8pm.
+ A VOCE meeting will be held at 6pm to do some forward planning – all welcome.
May 11th – Parts rehearsal (Soprano/Altos) with Morgan
7-8pm Venue to be advised.
May 18th – regular rehearsal at deMolay
May 25th – Parts rehearsal (Bass/Tenor) with Morgan.
7-8pm Venue to be advised.
June 1st – regular rehearsal at deMolay.
June 12 or 13 – a ‘city sing’ is proposed. Details to follow.
June 15 – regular rehearsal at deMolay.
Sunday June 27th – Tenterfield ‘Chilly Sing’ Workshops and Performance.

See you soon for more great singing !

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