Date Claimer- Big Chilly Sing

Here are the details of The Community Choral Day Choirbolical has indicated we will participate in on Sunday 6th July. Please indicate your attendance with a payment (we will make a bulk payment of our entrance fees)
ALSO please consider…
Reserving your seat on the luxury 33 seat coach leaving Demolay House at 6am, returning approx 7pm by including an additional $40 in your EFT, just reference, “(your name) Chilly” to:

CHOIRBOLICAL BSB 633000 Acc 120540877

PS ….of course $ will be credited if COVID travel restrictions apply, or we don’t reach our numbers to perform. Some of you may also have a credit from Your 2021 booking!!

Presenters will be James Cuskelly and Sandra Milliken and music will be provided. 
What: The Big Chilly Sing

WhereTenterfield State High School Tenterfield
When:: Sunday July 03 – registration 9:00 for a 9:30 start – concert at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch provided. 
Cost: $30/$20
Everyone is welcome to attend regardless of background or experience – come as a group, with a friend or by yourself and meet some new friends!!!

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