Choirbolical Rehearsal reminder:

A gentle reminder of our next rehearsal: Tuesday 21 March, 6;45 for a prompt 7:00 start.

Demolay House Margaret Street.

Another gentle reminder:  Fee’s for 2017 are due the end of this month. Please visit the website for instructions how to pay or see Catherine after rehearsal.

It has been suggested we start wearing our Choirbolical name tags to rehearsal, it is a friendly gesture for our new members.

Look forward to seeing you all Tuesday!

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About Rebecca Buchanan

Singing with other revellers at the Anzac dawn service got me invited to join Choirbolical. I am originally from Seattle and I'm now a proud Aussie citizen. The high standard and quick humour of our director makes the hard work really rewarding. The choir is a welcoming, fun and committed group ready to take on the next song. Come sing with us!

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