Hope this update finds all our choir members well and happily enjoying some home time. Following is the minutes summary.
VOCE Teleconference – The following members called Rob to join the group:
Present: Pam Wilson, Marion Elvery, Matt Collins, Rob Sandison,
Minutes: Rob Sandison?
Apologies: Chris Rattray, Michael Murtagh, Gail, & Stewart, Linda Rother, Catherine Dyson.
Agenda Items:
Financials: Rob Presented the Financials for the first quarter. Hall Hire – Pam advised that the Hall Hire has been cancelled during the current crisis and that no fees will be charged. VOCE is grateful for the offer by DeMoloy House. Membership fees paid to date will enable us to continue to to pay Matt to be our musical director and facilitate singing.
Rehearsals and Performances Schedules
Live Rehearsals and all performances are cancelled until end of Term 2 (June 26th) VOCE will advise members at the earliest possible time of an extension to this date or, resumption of rehearsals. VOCE’s decision is based on Govt./Health advise. Regrettably, no future plans for performances or rehearsals can be made at this time. It is hoped that performances will resume in the 2nd half of 2020.
Proposed alternatives to Rehearsals and Performances – in the mean time ….
1. Matt has gratefully received all Choirbolical members ideas and has had discussions with Astrid and others in teaching/music circles of options.1. Feedback on Matt’s first YouTube practice video was unanimously and enthusiastically positive! VOCE requested that Matt continue creating practice videos to guide mini individual/x2 rehearsals and will include links to other practice YouTube videos. VOCE encourages all Choirbolical members to access practice videos and provide feedback to Matt. https://youtu.be/U6BEXBr4o7Y
2. Matt advises that connect en-mass via Zoom or other platforms is problematic, requires a lot of work, technical expertise and costs. There may be possibilities of small group ‘Zoom’ groups getting together to rehearse.
3. Matt will explore in consultation with Astrid and others in his field the possibility of some kind of on-line performance medium similar to Couch Choir/ABC Everybody Choir, with perhaps to a YouTube concert thereby providing a motivation goal for Choirbolical members.
4. Matt will outline a plan for the frequency and content/nature of YouTube posts and potential performance platforms before the next VOCE meeting in 3 weeks.
5. VOCE is keen for feedback from Choirbolical participants inAstrid’s ABC Everybody Choir event. Some members have communicated to Astrid their enjoyment of her segment in Australian Story on Monday night and encourage all Choirbolicals to watch.
Director’s Fees
Rob moved the following Proposal: Based on the successful implementation of a variety of strategies approved by VOCE and implemented by Matt …
That Matt be retained on his normal fortnightly rehearsal fee for three months. That VOCE review this arrangement early in June. That Matt’s normal rehearsal fee includes all preparation and posting of music parts in audio/video formats (excluding mass performances) and consultations with his music network colleagues, Choirbolical membersand VOCE. Passed unanimously.
Choir members connecting during isolation Comments can be left on the website. Marion will check if comments can be made private for log-in users only. VOCE will review of Choirbolical Facebook Pages shortly.
Next Meeting: 21 April Rob (0422543804) to join the group
Meeting Closed: 6:53pm.