Concert Updates

Thankyou to everyone for your enthusiasm preparing for the Concert & Cake for Cancer event on Tuesday 21st May. Below are some details and the Program

Choirbolical ‘Gals’ – if you’re still keen to do the ‘Mango Mango’ there is an updated version of the words. We are going to meet this Tuesday (14th) 7pm crn Herbert & Kitchener to ‘polish’ our song and actions & bring the makings of your costume if needed. Message for words or details – Marion-0417703794 / Chrissy-0438 401 519

From Pam:
The Concert has been advertised on the Toowoomba City Council website and will be in the Chronicle ‘In Brief’ section sometime soon.
The more people we have attend, the more we’ll raise for the Cancer Council
Other info to note:
      – setting up the hall will begin at 4pm Tuesday
The Concert needs to start at 7pm
      – everyone bring cake (some gluten free) cut and ready to slide onto individual plates by 6.30 – 6.40pm.
      – give cakes to Charlotte and Rebecca in room on right of front door.
      – donations for entry would be welcome
      – encourage friends to purchase raffle tickets (we have 150 squares)  Excellent prizes!!
      – sit in arranged positions at back of hall ready for movement to front corner.
Singing without music makes us sound even more terrific!
Have fun and make sure your friends do too!
please help with the clean up afterwards


M.C: Brian Hensler


 1. Welcome – including short background info

 2. Choirbolical enter, singing “Mother Earth”

 3. Cancer Council representatives will speak briefly on how funds raised will be used.

 4.  Brief background of Choirbolical who then sing:

“One Voice” and “Ya BastaChoir move to rear of hall.

5. Joe K. ‘Thai Lullaby’ – VoiceMale to join Joe on stage for the first chorus. Choirbolical join in from the back of the hall for the final chorus, may be repeated.

6. High Altitude Harmony on stage;  10 – 15 minutes

7.  Claire Birchley (conductor of Parkinson’s Support Group choir) on stage;  2 songs

8.  Noel Keller  -2 original songs  “When We Were Young”, “Is It Too Much To Ask”   Choirbolical + audience invited to join in choruses.  

9. Astrid Jorgensen  1 song (+ encores!?)

10.  VoiceMale 3 songs, (a cappella)

11. Choirbolical Gals “Mango Mango”

12.  Choirbolical “Fields of Gold” and “Keep on Walking Forward

BIG THANKS – Directions for Cuppa and Cake.

Raffle Draw  with Bernie @ 8.30        


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