Good morning, Tuesday

Sharing some thoughts – please contribute

We hope everyone is keeping safe and well.

Just thought I’d check in. From previous post I can only see my own (3) replies. If you have replied, even if just to acknowledge receipt, can you please email me at [email protected] That way I might find out if this is working.

This morning I had a Skype call with five friends in Scotland who have been meeting on a Monday night at a pub for years. So as they enjoyed a beer in lockdown in their lounge rooms I had my morning cuppa. Four of us were in the same class right through high school (late 1960s early 70s, I am talking about). Sharing this as this may be a way of connecting for those on Skype – I only signed up yesterday.

Curious to know how many participated in Couch Choir? Have you seen Astrid on ABC & Today Show (this morning)? For those not fans of FaceBook, it is an excellent way to keep up to date. I missed Today (on Skype call) but whole interview is featured on Pub Choir, FaceBook page. How lucky were we to have Astrid come to Toowoomba for all those years? And how unfortunate is Matt to have taken over in these challenging times?

Anyway, KSKS – Keep Safe Keep Singing

Michael M

2 thoughts on “Good morning, Tuesday

  1. Hi Team Choirbolical… it’s certainly a challenging time for us all. For health and medical reasons, I’m self isolating. Internet access, mainly Facebook and email, are my life savers. I’m spending quality time in my sewing room, singing along as the machine works away.

    Hoping you all Stay well and keep safe

    KSKS (thanks Michael, love it)

    Cheers Linda

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