Voce Meeting- minutes 11.3.08

Voce Meeting 11.3.08
Present: Brian, Di, Catherine, Kent, Loretto

  • Workshop comments Participants enjoyed the contemporary repetoire whilst finding it quite challenging musically.

It was relaxing not having a public performance at the end of the day and we enjoyed having some pieces to add to our repertoire which we can continue to develop.

It was particularly delightful seeing people we have sung with previously now coming back to present workshops for us – and doing such a fine job too.

A delightful day all around – and as usual the food was magnificent!!!

Loretto to forward these comments to Rachel Dwyer for Qld Kodaly newsletter.

  • Goondiwindi workshop dates are May 31 – June1. Kent to confirm these dates with Rebecca. Workshop to be discussed at next choir to determine whether we go as a whole choir or as individual participants.
  • Future venue for rehearsal – Uniting church hall, our current venue have notified us of imminent charges to include $20 per hour plus $10 per additional hour or part thereof plus $5 for heating if heaters turned on. St Marys school is a possibility. Kent to contact Jason and find information regarding security codes, whether Jason would need to be there etc. Lourdes hall is also available. Catherine to check similar details with the parish. It was noted that St Marys may be a useful venue for the Spring Sing especially if we have male and female choirs rehearsing.