Spring Sing is nearly here

Just a reminder that Spring is around the corner and Choirbolical’s annual Spring Sing is on Saturday 10th September. Confirm your attendance by registering ASAP so we are ready for a great day of making music. Details:

Choirs and individuals welcome. Register and notification of dietary requirements and payments can be made by emailing our treasurer Catherine. [email protected]

Registration appreciated by 26th August but participants welcome to come along and make payments on the day,

Direct debit payments to: Choirbolical BSB 633000 Account 120540877

Date: Saturday 10 September

Venue: Arts Theatre USQ – Take West Street main entrance and turn left. Follow signs.

Times: Registration & cuppa 9am, Workshops start at 9.30

Food: Morning Tea and Lunch provided

Cost: $35 waged  $25 unwaged

Presenters: Dr James Cuskelly & Carla Trott

Concert: All welcome to attend a gold coin donation concert at 2.30pm




Toowoomba Languages and Cultures Festival

A reminder of details for this Sunday -14 August.
Meet near main entrance Queens Park (side nearest downtown on Hume St) at 10:30am .
First performance approx 10:45am somewhere inside not far from entrance.
Second performance after Mayoral address approx 11:45am. Maybe a third performance to follow. Hoping for good fine weather!

Look at Carla’s posts to see possible songs. (Not Meet me in the Middle)