Choirbolical VOCE meeting


VOCE Meeting Minutes –  28.Feb 2017

 Present:               Rebecca, Chris, Alison, Marion, Pam, Astrid (by phone link)

Apologies:            Kent, Catherine, Susie


1. Discussion on up-coming performances/workshops:

– Astrid’s Feb workshop was really enjoyed by everyone (51)despite the heat.

Saturday May 20: ‘First Coat Festival ‘

Lesley and Pam to discuss options for street performances with Grace Dewar.

Tues 20 June:   Bon Amici’s Open Mike night after rehearsal to perform repertoire prepared for Festival of  Voices. (Marion to arrange with owner, Wayne.)

– Other opportunities to perform this repertoire after the Festival of Voices will be explored- possibly  Mary McKillop school  (Susie) or  Jazz Club (Marion )  –  ‘Australian Youth Choir’ in Toowoomba 2-9 July. We will be unable to combine with them.

Fri July 7 – Mon July 10: ‘Festival of Voices’ in Hobart

Sun 20 August:  ‘Languages and Cultures Festival’ in Queen’s Park. (Marion to complete form expressing our interest.)

‘Spring Sing’   –Sat 9 September. Change of format for this year – a smaller workshop mainly for Choirbolical  with a variety of presentations being considered  (Orff , drumming, a second workshop by Astrid)

2. In recognition of her wonderful and generous design work for many Choirbolical flyers et al,  Judy Brewer will be offered a  non- fee paying year in 2017 –  a grateful gesture from all choir members.

3. With many new singers joining rehearsals -an attendance book will be at the door for all to sign. (Phone numbers may be added )   -Plus name tags will be encouraged  (Temporary ones will be available. Extra choir information sheets on hand.

4. Announcements will be made after warm ups each night  to include welcome, reminder of fee payment  yearly or by the end of each quarter [ March, June, Sept, Dec], performance dates, Fof V updates, etc.

5. Festival of Voices:

A  ‘F of V’ co-ordinator will be needed to –

  • collect and distribute names and mobile phone numbers of all attending
  • collect and distribute details of arrivals and departures
  • collect and distribute accomodation details
  • send out a daily group text with details of the day’s events/gatherings.

6. Astrid is in process of adding recording of more complex pieces to the website

7. Rebecca will make a list of current VOCE members with contact details

Next Meeting: Tues 9 May, 6.30 at 15 Argyle Street    


A gentle reminder to All Choirbolical members:

VOCE is meeting Tuesday 28 February 6:30 @ 15 Argyle Street Toowoomba  ( Pam’s )

Everyone is welcome to participate!  It is casual and you can share ideas or offer help.

We are still formulating our performance schedule and input is most welcome!



Choirbolical rehearsal reminder

Dear Songsters,

After a fantastic Workshop, we have new songs to add to our lovely repertoire.

Please see Astrid’s post from today, Saturday 18 February.

Our next rehearsal is Tuesday 21 February, 6;45 for a prompt 7:00 start.

Demolay House Margaret Street.

I’ll bring $2 coins for the air conditioner.

