Workshop to start 2022

When: Saturday 5th March

Where: De Molay Margaret Street

Times; 8.45am Registration (bring your green tick to show & a mask till seated)

9am – 10am – Session One

10am – 10.45am Morning Tea Break outside – bring a small plate to share. Tea/Coffee available or can be purchased at cafes nearby.

10.45am – 11.45am – Session 2

Who: Anyone who would like to join us to start the year singing with Choirbolical and our Musical Director – Morgan Chalmers

Music: See Repertoire tab for one piece and bring if possible. Other music will be provided on the day..

Cost: $15 waged / $10 unwaged. Preferably, pay directly before arriving. See details of BSB number on our FEES tab and tag your deposit with: (Name) – March Sing. Cash payments also accepted.

Please note this will be the only fee for Term One this year as we are having a late start. The following rehearsal dates will be: 15th & 29th March.

Maybe the world will have righted itself from Term 2 – We certainly have a wonderful year of singing planned in this our Anniversary Year with a fabulous weekend planned 22/23October

Hope to see you soon.

Workshop Sat 5th March & VOCE meeting this Tuesday

This is a date claimer to begin our year of singing. A workshop will be held with our musical director Morgan on Saturday morning 5th Match. 9-12 at DeMolay. Covid considerations include a vaccination green tick please, two, one hour singing sessions with a break and a recommendation to wear a mask. More details to follow.
Don’t forget – to access music from Repertoire tab use or update your login. Message reply below if you need help.

VOCE will meet this Tuesday 7pm at DeMolay. The specific agenda will be to put together a proposal for our 20th year celebrations in October. Another DATE Claimer!!! 22-23 October. Love to see anyone who would like to be involved.

Time to get singing!

Hello Choirbolical singers… are you missing singing? There is a new song to start the year in Repertoire and Morgan has prepared some practice files to get us started. Please check it out. ‘Crossing the Bar’

And don’t forget Couch Choir with Astrid’s great original song ‘Better from Here’ – submissions are due in 10 days time… so sign up and get learning your part with the practice videos and make a submission! How many Choirbolicals will we see on-screen?