Practice files available…

If you were at Choir on Tuesday you will be looking for practice files to learn the lovely “Comes Love” ready for Jazz club performance. If you plan to join us check out the song under repertoire.

See you next Tuesday 6th December – 7.30pm start. Don’t forget to confirm if you are coming to Jazz by next rehearsal. See options in previous post.

PLUS – here are some community singing events that might interest you:

  1. SING for a CURE

2. And an invitation from the Empire Theatre:

Next year we are inviting the fabulous Jonathon Welch to Toowoomba to conduct workshops and rehearsals for a Combined Community Choir Project and I wanted you all to be the first to hear about it!

End of Year rehearsals & events

Here is what is happening to end our Choirbolical year!

Tuesday 29th – this coming Tuesday rehearsal 7.30pm (ready for Jazz club). Find a Jazz Club attendance form at the door – we need to let the organisers know our numbers a few days before. Options: 1. Coming only for performance (no charge) 8.15pm (warm up 8pm in carpark if fine) ; 2. Staying the whole evening (discounted $15) ; or 3. + additional friends or family attending for the evening (discounted $15). Marion will forward the tentative numbers Dec 2nd and confirm after 6th (text 0419718297 if you can’t make rehearsal but intend coming)

Tuesday 6th Dec – rehearsal 7.30pm – Final numbers for Jazz club.

Friday 9th Dec – JAZZ CLUB performance. 8:15pm (8pm warm up in the carpark if fine!) We are the ‘interval act’ for an evening of Jazz music by the Paul Hendon band – Rhythm Plus. N.B. the new venue: RINK 46 – formerly Drayton Bowls Club – crn Gipps and Ball St Drayton. Music starts at 7:30pm. Excellent meals are available from 5:30pm. Choir music – Lovely Day & Wonderful World +…

Tuesday 20th Dec – Final Choir night – 6.00pm for Drinks & bring a plate to share. 7:00pm Sing for ourselves – finishing the year with a sing through selected repertoire from the past year or two. Family & friends welcome to join us.

Rehearsal this Tuesday and events

This coming Tuesday 15th Nov 7.30-8.30 will be a rehearsal with Eligh running us through current repertoire (Morgan is away). This is in preparation for our Jazz Club performance on December 9th.

CONCERT: Australia Voices are once again in Toowoomba this coming Saturday 19th Nov. 3pm and Margaret Muller will be there. A concert not to be missed!! Tickets are at the door or check out here:

PODCAST: Astrid couldn’t help mentioning us Choirbolical’s in a recent podcast so check this out too:

‘Pub Choir — beer, singing and Kate Bush’ with the ABC listen app

ALSO… Rob has kindly edited all our performances from the Spring Sing and put them on YouTube links – so go on over to the Repertoire tab, login and have a watch. THANKYOU Rob!

AND finally…. Voce – the group of people who keep Choirbolical running smoothly will meet at 6.15pm this coming Tuesday to begin preparations for 2023. If you think you would like to be part of VOCE in 2023 please feel free to come along.