Rehearsal on Tuesday

Here is your reminder for our rehearsal this Tuesday, 19th March, 6.45pm for a 7pm start. So many great pieces of music with practice recordings for your part and if you do an internet search of title and arrangement, you can find some excellent YouTube recordings to watch and sing-a-long with!


The social concert event suggested for 16th March is CANCELLED or rather being rescheduled we hope for next term. Next rehearsal is 19th March followed by a Voce meeting where we can discuss upcoming events and ideas for a social get together.

Tuesday Rehearsal 5/3

Looking forward to our rehearsal this coming Tuesday 6.45pm for 7pm start. Don’t forget there are a couple of new pieces of music in Repertoire to download/ print. Come along with your smiling singing faces for a new group photo to headline our home page for 2024. 🙂