Tomorrow rehearsal 21st Aug

Hi there,

Tomorrow we have a choir rehearsal 6:45 for a 7pm start at De Molay House.  If anyone would like to meet at Park House before to socialise.  I will be there from about  5:30 give or take 5 mins.  Remember we need to be learning The Parting Glass from the parts that Matt preparted which are in Repertorie.  Listen to the Wailing Jennys to hear how Astrid would like it.  You need to click on the Login  to access the practice parts.  Pleasae send me a text if you can’t login and I can reset your password.

Cheers Lesley


Rehearsal tomorrow 31st July

Gosh end of July already.  Just a few things…

Reminder aboiut rehearsal tomorrow 6:45 for a 7pm start De Molay House.

Please print out this attachment “When a child”- we will be singing this piece and Silent night too on the 7th August.

Annmaree will give us all details tomorrow and Susie will add information for Sat 11th.
We’ll need to know names of those who are coming to the Spring Sing and other events. Gail has a sheet for people to fill in.

Tomorrow rehearsal 17 July 2018

Tomorrow rehearsal 17 July 2018 see you there 6:45pm ready for a 7pm start at De Molay House.

We have 2 more rehearsals to be ready for the USQ gym group on 7th August.

Unchained Melody has replaced  People Get Ready which we had in the list in our minutes for this performance.

We’ll need to put some time into the Christmas songs too, I guess.

Matt has done the parts for The Parting Glass

Matt has provided parts for our Parting Glass, thank you so much.

Login to the website to access the Repetoire there are individual parts each section and all parts to sing along once you are confident with your part.  The Login is under a title called “Meta”.  If you need a password reset please let me know.

If anyone needs a CD please let me know and bring a blank CD to our next rehearsal or USB stick.  I am not sure if you can download these from the website – my first attempt at uploading.

Warm regards, Lesley

To access Repertoire

In order to access the repertoire – You need to be a subscriber. Make sure you have [email protected] in your contacts for email.  Once you confirm your subscription you will create a password to use when logging in on the website.

If you then want access to repertoire you need to click on the Log in link.  If you have forgotten your password you can click to reset it.  You will then get another email with a link and you can use the password they suggest or change it to something simple that you will remember.

Please don’t hesitate to let me know if this is not working.
