
  1. For those planning to go to Big Chilly Sing we plan to meet this coming Sunday at 2pm in the Botanical Gardens (near the cannon) for a sing through songs Lovely Day and crowd pleaser – Wellerman. At this stage there is a group of a dozen planning to go, (provided all are well we may be able to perform!) Some people may be looking for a lift to travel to Tenterfield – can you help? Text Marion 0417703794 to confirm attendance if you haven’t already, so numbers can be confirmed with organisers.
  2. PEMULWAY practice tracks are now available under the Repertoire tab. Scroll down to find your track and SATB tracks kindly provided by Matt C. This song will again be on the rehearsal list next time – July 5th.
  3. Another opportunity to sing as a choir will be in Esk – Saturday July 16th 1.30-5.30pm at an ANCAR Musical Esk-apade. A decision will be made if we attend as a choir or as individuals after our next rehearsal.

Stay well and warm everyone!

Rehearsal Reminder

This Tuesday will be a regular rehearsal 7.15 for 7.30 start. Last rehearsal, ‘Lovely Day’ was sounding incredible so time to polish it up along with singing other music we are working on. The question is: Will we have enough Choirbolicals going to Tenterfield to be able to perform? Please come along on Tuesday if you are planning to go (AND if you are not planning to go!)

If there is a group for the Chilly Sing on Sunday 3rd July we will arrange some extra practices that suit the group.

What: The Chilly Sing

Presenters: James Cuskelly & Sandra Milligan

Where: Tenterfield State High School, Tenterfield

Times:  Registration 9:00 for a 9:30 start – concert at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch provided. 

Cost: $30/$20 Music available for download and previewing under Repertoire tab.

Rehearsal reminder

This coming Tuesday is the first Tuesday of the month 7/6 and we will have a regular rehearsal with Morgan 7.15 for a 7.30 start. See you there.

Planning on going to Tenterfield Big Chilli Sing. Please find music ready for the day under the Repertoire tab.

Rehearsal reminder

Firstly, it was great to have the first of our past musical directors Matt join us via video last rehearsal. As a follow up we will meet earlier again this coming week -7pm for a run through Ave Verum at 7.15pm.

This is a 5th Tuesday rehearsal so look forward to seeing you there with Morgan out the front! Last rehearsal we also had a great time working with Eli on a new song (available under repertoire tab). Here’s a YouTube to help with your home practice: https://youtu.be/Xa3ZuTUD7nI

The Big Chilly Sing is coming up after just 3 more rehearsals. Love to have as many Choirbolicals as we can along for a day of singing in Tenterfield Sunday July 3rd with James Cuskelly and Sandra Milliken 9.30 start 3pm concert. $20/$30. We won’t confirm our numbers until close to the date, but would like to have a rough idea at the next rehearsal so we can explore transport options for everyone. Let us know if you intend coming along 🙂

Can’t get to Tentefield – no worries. But do come to rehearsals to learn this jazzy piece we will also perform later in the year.

Music Update

If you see this before our rehearsal (17/5) head to our Repertoire tab to find a new piece of music we are planning to sing at The Big Chilli Sing. Morgan says the 17pages in SAB are very simple!! There are some great Youtube clips so search and have a listen too.

Can’t print ? – a few copies for sharing will be available!

EARLY Rehearsal this Tuesday

The first of our guest (past) musical directors Matt Collins will be with us via video for a rehearsal at 7pm. The music for this session will be Ave Verum which some of you will have in your past repertoire. If you don’t, please find under the repertoire tab 2020 along with parts for rehearsing at home. This will be one of our end of year celebration concert (Oct 23rd) items. Following this session we will continue our rehearsal with Morgan! Hope you can swim along to sing with us on Tuesday.

The Hall will be open from 6pm for a VOCE & 21st celebration meeting – all welcome to join. More details of venue and plans will be out very soon.

Also a Big Chilly Sing in Tenterfield date claimer reminder for Sunday 3rd July.

Date Claimer- Big Chilly Sing

Here are the details of The Community Choral Day Choirbolical has indicated we will participate in on Sunday 6th July. Please indicate your attendance with a payment (we will make a bulk payment of our entrance fees)
ALSO please consider…
Reserving your seat on the luxury 33 seat coach leaving Demolay House at 6am, returning approx 7pm by including an additional $40 in your EFT, just reference, “(your name) Chilly” to:

CHOIRBOLICAL BSB 633000 Acc 120540877

PS ….of course $ will be credited if COVID travel restrictions apply, or we don’t reach our numbers to perform. Some of you may also have a credit from Your 2021 booking!!

Presenters will be James Cuskelly and Sandra Milliken and music will be provided. 
What: The Big Chilly Sing

WhereTenterfield State High School Tenterfield
When:: Sunday July 03 – registration 9:00 for a 9:30 start – concert at 3pm. Morning tea and lunch provided. 
Cost: $30/$20
Everyone is welcome to attend regardless of background or experience – come as a group, with a friend or by yourself and meet some new friends!!!