A friendly reminder that we have a rehearsal this coming Tuesday – 1st of the month. Bring along all music from this year as we polish up songs to sing for family and friends at our Summer breakup on December 5th.
Rehearsal on Tuesday 31 October
Hello! Don’t forget that we have a 5th Tuesday of the month rehearsal tomorrow evening. See you there at 6:45pm for 7:00pm start. And congratulations to all singers for a fabulous concert on Sunday afternoon!!
Pre-Concert warm up 1.30pm
Singers, please arrive around 1.20pm to warm up and have a mini- rehearsal with Natalie prior to the concert start time of 2pm. ? Details of venue below.
CONCERT this Sunday @ 2pm
Looking forward to being part of VoiceMale’s Concert in support of Toowoomba’s Homeless Project. Please practice and come along with music in order for these songs:
1.Navajo Prayer
2. Cabbage Tree Hat
3. Take Care of this World
4. The Times They Are A Changin’

Rehearsal Reminder
This Tuesday 17th is our final rehearsal before the charity concert on Sunday 29th October 7pm. See the poster in a previous post for details.
VOCE will also meet at 6.15pm if you would like to join this working group that help the smooth running of our choir.
Maybe a wee bit of home practice before the rehearsal will be helpful ? See you there.
Rehearsal Reminder
Hello all Choirbolical singers. Time to warm the vocal chords for another term of singing with a rehearsal this coming TUESDAY 3rd Oct. 6.45pm for a 7.00pm start.
See you there ?
Next event and rehearsals
A reminder that there is no rehearsal on Tuesday 19th Sept. Next rehearsal will be 3rd October. Don’t forget our next event will be a concert on 29th Oct with VoiceMale.
see Poster for details.
Choir Rehearsal to welcome in Spring!
It is the first Tuesday in September this week so come along to a rehearsal 6.45pm for 7pm at DeMolay with the lovely Natalie and of course Deborah on piano.
N.B there will be no rehearsal on the third week this month 19th Sept.
Have you put Sun 29th Oct 2pm in as a date claimer for a concert performance ?
Also new subscribers – don’t forget to check your junk mail if you haven’t received this post as an emailed update.
Happy Springtime 🙂
Rehearsal Reminder
This week we have a 5th Tuesday (29/8) rehearsal – 6.45pm for 7pm start. Which will be followed by a rehearsal the following week 5/8!
Date claimer– please put Sunday 29th October 2pm in your diary as we are singing in a charity concert organised by VoiceMale. More details to follow 🙂
Rehearsal Reminder
Tuesday 15th August. Same place, same time for more singing together. See you there!!