Dan Wilson’s exhibition opening was awesome, thanks for inviting Choirbolical to be part of such a wonderful heart felt event.
Our next rehearsal is this Tuesday 19th June 6:45 for a 7pm start at De Molay House,
Everyone is welcome.
Dan Wilson’s exhibition opening was awesome, thanks for inviting Choirbolical to be part of such a wonderful heart felt event.
Our next rehearsal is this Tuesday 19th June 6:45 for a 7pm start at De Molay House,
Everyone is welcome.
Meet 3:45 for a run through before our performance at 4pm at Wilsontin shopping centre – refer to previous post with the invite attached.
Lookng forward to it
I have added three subscribers to Mail Chimp manually as they are not receiving emails from Choirbolical.
So this is just a test for Matt, Cathy and Anne – hope you get this one.
In order to access the repertoire – You need to be a subscriber. Make sure you have hello@choirbolical.com in your contacts for email. Once you confirm your subscription you will create a password to use when logging in on the website.
If you then want access to repertoire you need to click on the Log in link. If you have forgotten your password you can click to reset it. You will then get another email with a link and you can use the password they suggest or change it to something simple that you will remember.
Please don’t hesitate to let me know if this is not working.
Hi all,
The repertoire for the Esk concert on October 14th has been placed in the “Repertoire” section of the website. Log in to access.
Please print for rehearsal on Tuesday.
Here is the invitation to Dan Wilson’s exhibition opening on 16 June at 4pm at Wilsonton Community Gallery in the Wilsonton Shopping Centre, 407 Bridge St. Exhibition runs from 16 to 30 June.
He’s very pleased that Choirbolical are going to be there and will be singing his and his girlfriend’s favourite song – Red Hot !