In The Wee Small Hours – Sop 1
In The Wee Small Hours – Sop 2
In The Wee Small Hours – Alto 1
In The Wee Small Hours – Alto 2
Hi all,
Here are the parts for And So It Goes, featuring the tenor talents of my poor Evyn whom I forced to sing. Sorry tenors – it was a touch too low or high for me to attempt but he’s done a pretty good job 🙂
I also discovered a function of my computer that puts a female voice down the octave. I thought it was pretty hilarious:
And So It Goes Astrid’s silly bass
Hi all,
Please find the Shivna parts below. Good grief!! What a song. Remember to download the mp3 version, right click the link and choose “Save link as” or something like that.
You’ll notice that I threw in a “Repeat” at bar 55-62. I’m quite sure there should be one in the music, so just sing those bars through twice.
GOOD LUCK. Hoping to have “And So It Goes” up tomorrow.. and maybe Famine Song if I have the time!
Dear Choirbolical members,
Thanks for your attendance last week – lovely to see new faces in the mix!
Here are the pdf files for the two pieces we looked at on Tuesday.
I will start working on getting up some sound files of the parts.
See you next Tuesday!