Concert & Cake – cancer fundraiser is here.

Below is the program – Matt has kindly stepped in as Astrid I has flu – (best wishes for a speedy recovery)  take an extra look at One Voice everyone – sopranos – you will be singing the ‘solo’ line. 🙂

It is a 7pm start so come early (6.20-6.30) with those cakes and voices. Hall decorators are setting up at 4pm!

Noel’s songs (we join in) are below if I can attach or check in repertoire.

Concert with a Cuppa and Cake for Cancer

Tuesday 21 May


1. Welcome – including short background info leading into…

2. Brief background of Choirbolical who enter singing“Mother Earth” Further intro about Choirbolical etc.

“One Voice” and “Ya Basta”  Choir to rear of hall.

Cancer Council representatives will speak briefly on how funds raised will be used.

3. Joe K. If the Choirbolical men could join Joe on stage and sing the first chorus with him, could Choirbolical then join in from the back of the hall for the final chorus, which he may sing twice?
4. High Altitude Harmony   10 – 15 minutes
5. Claire Birchley 2 songs
6. Noel Keller 2 original songs with Choirbolical/audience invited  join in choruses.
7. Matt Collins  1 song (+ encores)
8. VoiceMale 3 songs, a cappella

BIG THANKS – Directions for Cuppa and Cake.

Raffle Draw  with Bernie @ 8.30      



Concert Updates

Thankyou to everyone for your enthusiasm preparing for the Concert & Cake for Cancer event on Tuesday 21st May. Below are some details and the Program

Choirbolical ‘Gals’ – if you’re still keen to do the ‘Mango Mango’ there is an updated version of the words. We are going to meet this Tuesday (14th) 7pm crn Herbert & Kitchener to ‘polish’ our song and actions & bring the makings of your costume if needed. Message for words or details – Marion-0417703794 / Chrissy-0438 401 519

From Pam:
The Concert has been advertised on the Toowoomba City Council website and will be in the Chronicle ‘In Brief’ section sometime soon.
The more people we have attend, the more we’ll raise for the Cancer Council
Other info to note:
      – setting up the hall will begin at 4pm Tuesday
The Concert needs to start at 7pm
      – everyone bring cake (some gluten free) cut and ready to slide onto individual plates by 6.30 – 6.40pm.
      – give cakes to Charlotte and Rebecca in room on right of front door.
      – donations for entry would be welcome
      – encourage friends to purchase raffle tickets (we have 150 squares)  Excellent prizes!!
      – sit in arranged positions at back of hall ready for movement to front corner.
Singing without music makes us sound even more terrific!
Have fun and make sure your friends do too!
please help with the clean up afterwards


M.C: Brian Hensler


 1. Welcome – including short background info

 2. Choirbolical enter, singing “Mother Earth”

 3. Cancer Council representatives will speak briefly on how funds raised will be used.

 4.  Brief background of Choirbolical who then sing:

“One Voice” and “Ya BastaChoir move to rear of hall.

5. Joe K. ‘Thai Lullaby’ – VoiceMale to join Joe on stage for the first chorus. Choirbolical join in from the back of the hall for the final chorus, may be repeated.

6. High Altitude Harmony on stage;  10 – 15 minutes

7.  Claire Birchley (conductor of Parkinson’s Support Group choir) on stage;  2 songs

8.  Noel Keller  -2 original songs  “When We Were Young”, “Is It Too Much To Ask”   Choirbolical + audience invited to join in choruses.  

9. Astrid Jorgensen  1 song (+ encores!?)

10.  VoiceMale 3 songs, (a cappella)

11. Choirbolical Gals “Mango Mango”

12.  Choirbolical “Fields of Gold” and “Keep on Walking Forward

BIG THANKS – Directions for Cuppa and Cake.

Raffle Draw  with Bernie @ 8.30        


VOCE minutes with upcoming dates

VOCE MEETING  – 21 March 2019

Present: ?Stewart, Gail, Marion, Chrissie, Di, Kent, Leslie, Rob, Pam

1. Performances 2019:

Following are proposed performances and activities for the rest of 2019.   Astrid & Matt will be asked about their availability on these dates:

a. Sun 7 July, 2 pm Tenterfield – Winter School Big Sing Concert.  Note: Choirbolical members are also welcome to attend the workshop prior to the concert

ACTION: Get numbers and attend – perhaps bus (check with Chris M)

b. UQ Singers Concert – Saturday 13 July, 5-6:3.  Choirbolical will host this as a fund-raising acitivity

ACTION:  Find venue:  Check with Eileen to speak with Mark/Artsworks.   Kent, Leslie & Chris to be sub-committee to organise and keep members informed.

c. Performance:  Cancer Council- propose Tuesday 21stMay, evening (rehearsal night) ACTION:  Pam to check with Cancer Council
d. Jazz Club performance – Friday 13September

ACTION: Check Astrid’s availability Rob

e. Big Sing – Brisbane 27 October
f. Town Hall Concert – Choirbolical Charity Concert –Sun 10th November 2.30 – 4 pm. After costs are covered extra proceeds to go to local charity/community group (yet to be decided).   Other choirs to be invited to perform:  High AltitudeHarmony, VoiceMale, Esk Community Choir, Dalby Choir

ACTION:  Stewart to go ahead and book Town Hall Annex (cost:  $800)

g. Christmas Lights –

ACTION:  Pam to check possible times/dates

2. NZ 2020 – Check with Astrid for dates and proposed activities and then see whether there is sufficient numbers/interest among choir members
3. Finances:  Rob presented financial report.   As there is no Spring Sing this year, which usually raises some funds for the choir, the Town Hall Concert  and the UQ Singers Concerts (see above) will hopefully have a profit to top up the account.
4. Next Meeting: 23 May


Don’t forget our Workshop this Sunday – see details in previous post.

Here’s the link Astrid recommended:

Tis the Last Rose of Summer – Darmon Meader

AND if you can get a ticket do go along to Avenue Q with our own Matt – the best laugh and fabulous performance by Toowoomba’s Shoebox Theatre Co  

First Rehearsal 2019

Looking forward to seeing old faces and new at our first choir rehearsal for 2019 on Tuesday 29th Jan.  6.45pm at DeMolay.

You can find all choir dates under the Rehearsal tab and a new fee schedule under the FEE tab. It includes a casual fee if you can only come a few times in the Term and find this a better option. A year commitment will offer you a discount. Or pay by the term.

See you soon.

VOCE minutes

VOCE MEETING – 24.1.19

Present: Marion, Rob, Eileen, Pam, Lesley, Susie, Dia, Stuart, Chris R, Gail, Kent

Apologies: Catherine


  1. Treasurer: Rob was gratefully acclaimed as new treasurer.  Catherine will remain a  co-signatory.
  2. Kent will take minutes for the meetings he is able to attend and Pam when he can’t attend.
  3. Announcements at rehearsals:Action:  Lesley will do this as well as continue putting up posts on the website, Marion if she isn’t there
  4. Somebody who will welcome new attendees, give them flyer and take their names and contact details: Action: Gail agreed to do this
  5. Insurance policy; Action: Rob to check to ensure we have a copy of this handy
  6. Liaising with Astrid & Matt – eg. around proposed performances, rehearsal dates, etc: Action:  Susie & Stuart
  7. Facebook page:Currently not active.  Action: Susie agreed to take responsibility for keeping the Facebook page current.
  8. Financial Report: Action: Rob will present a summary statement of income and expenditure each meeting.  Any specific questions can be directed towards Rob at the meeting
  9. Reimbursement to Marion for gifts; Action:  Marion to present a statement to Rob for reimbursement
  10. Ideas for Performances:
  11. Infinite Care – newly opened aged care facility request for a performance later in the year Action:  Di to keep informed later in the year.
  12. Westhaven RSL care has asked us to come back – possibly Anzac Day. Action:  Stuart and Susie to check Astrid’s availability
  13. Stradbroke Island possibility – Action: Kent will ask Loretto to check with AnnBermingham whether there have been further developments
  14. End of year concert:Concept of performing the year’s repertoire, with one or two other selected choirs.   Partner with a community organisation and any proceeds after costs donated to this organisation.  Date:   A Sunday afternoon in November – Action: Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid and confirm date
  15. Sunshine Coast – Oriana Choir. Choral Festival – 15 June.  Action:  Check details with Matt
  16. NZ Choral Festival – 2020 – Action:Stuart and Susie will discuss with Astrid
  17. Tenterfield concert –Sunday 7 July poss. 2 pm – concert in Tenterfield Town Hall as end event of New England Music Winter School. Action:  Stuart and Susie to discuss with Astrid as to her availability
  18. Christmas Wonderland – Action: Susie & Stuart to discuss with Astrid as her availability
  19. Workshop: Date 17 February, CUA Ruthven Street,  booked from 8.30 am – 2.00 pm.     Commence 9 am – 11 am, food break,  30 am – 1 pm.  Cost: $20 waged, $15 unwaged and bring a plate of food


Welcome to 2019 from Choirbolical

We are looking forward to a new year of singing together. To start the year off here are some initial dates to put in your calendar:

VOCE meeting – Thursday 24th January 6pm @ Park House Cafe – all welcome to join us at the reserved table if you would like to be an active member of this group who will help with the smooth running of choir in 2019.

Find Nov 2018 VOCE minutes in previous post to see how you can help and what we may be looking forward to.

First choir rehearsal – Tuesday 29th January at DeMolay House Margaret St. 6.45pm for a 7pm start – 8.30pm finish.

Early WORKSHOP – proposed date: Sunday 17th February. Details to follow.

See you soon.