23rd September Rehearsal – Cancelled

Hi All,

Due to the rather inclement weather and a new Covid-19 cluster identified in West Brisbane, we will cancel the rehearsal tomorrow (23rd September).

At this stage our next rehearsal will be the 13th September at the wonderful Linda’s house in Highfields. We will be in touch with further details closer to the date.

Stay safe and well.

Matt xx

Choirbolical ‘Over the Rainbow / What a Wonderful World’ virtual choir video is now available!

Hi All,

Thank you so much for your patience. Our wonderful video/sound enginerr Andrew Blenkinsop has completed the video. It has been uploaded to YouTube and now available to view and share to your heart’s content. It was a delight to do such a fun project with you all and I hope that you are happy with the results.

The video is available via this link – https://youtu.be/F46Q8O_NQ5U

Please bring this piece of music along on Sunday (available in the repertoire section if you do not have it already) and we can finally do a LIVE version to hear it altogether and in-the-round.

Thanks once again for all your work. Feedback is always welcome so feel free to contact me at [email protected] to share what you thought of the experience!

Have a great week and lots of love to you all!

Matt 🙂

19th July Rehearsal – Laurel Bank Park

Hi All,

Hope you are well and keen to get back together to sing! I want to keep our first time back singing en-masse (and in person) quite simple, so we will do some familiar pieces! Please dig out your copies of the following to bring along on Sunday, 19th July (2:30pm bring-your-own-coffee for a 3pm start):

  • Baraka na wewe
  • Connected
  • Ya Basta

Very much looking forward to seeing you all there! Do let me know if you have any questions!

Much love and keep smiling,

Matt ^_^

In Flanders Fields

Helllo Everyone,

Hope you are all well. Missing your wonderful faces each fortnight. I have added some new repertoire (though I believe some of you may have done it before) to the repertoire section. The parts are also there, so feel free to listen to your part until you are comfortable to sing with the ‘full’ track. I would love to do some kind of tribute in honour of Anzac Day – which won’t feel quite the same this year with no dawn services… more details to come. But for now, happy practising!

Much love,

Matt xx

Ave Verum Corpus parts are up!

Hello All,

Quick note to say that parts for Ave Verum Corpus are up in the repertoire section. Download away and practise your part (and then singing along with the ‘Full’ version to see how you go keeping your part against the others.

Sending lots of love and best wishes – stay safe and well.

Matt xx

New rehearsal video

Hi All,

Hope that you are all safe, healthy and still smiling! I have uploaded another digital rehearsal for you to (hopefully) enjoy – focusing on Prayer of the Children. This is available at the following link – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LarR5o63yEQ

Do let me know if you have any questions. Missing you all – but lets keep making music practising so that when the time comes that we can be together we are sounding fab!

Lots of love,
