About Rebecca Buchanan

Singing with other revellers at the Anzac dawn service got me invited to join Choirbolical. I am originally from Seattle and I'm now a proud Aussie citizen. The high standard and quick humour of our director makes the hard work really rewarding. The choir is a welcoming, fun and committed group ready to take on the next song. Come sing with us!

BIG SING 2017 date claimer


Please find the Date Claimer for the 2017 Big Sing attached. The event will be held on Sunday 29th October at St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School. If your choir is interested in attending this event, please let me know. Please also feel free to pass this flyer on to any interested members of the public. A more detailed flyer will be sent out closer to the event.

All the best,


Carla Trott
Music Teacher

St Aidan’s Anglican Girls’ School
11 Ruthven Street Corinda QLD 4075

E: [email protected]

A School of the Society of the Sacred Advent Schools Pty Ltd
CRICOS Provider Number 01194K

2017 Big Sing Date Claimer

Choirbolical impromptu rehearsal and VOCE

Need some extra practice?  There are 2 practices on offer:

Tuesday 9th May at 7pm –  Andrew & Marion’s place crn Herbert and Kitchener – women may go next door to Ritamay’s if we have a big roll up. (Hall not available)                       VOCE folks please come at 6:00pm to have a quick meeting! There are some rather pressing decisions to make regarding:  Chrissey Martin’s performance request, learning “You’re the Voice”, Bon Amici or Park House for last performance before Hobart, Marion’s proposal for the Jazz club, Kent’s request from Elaine Coates group.


Thursday 11th May at 7.15pm at deMolay (available)

These will be ‘do-it-ourselves’ practices of parts and a chance to be ready to impress Astrid the following Tuesday!!!

Hope to see you at one or both.  In the meantime we have some words to learn and great practice tracks under repertoire.

Cheers, Marion & Rebecca (and others)

Choirbolical rehearsal reminder

Happy Easter to all, hope you have had a lovely break!

A gentle reminder of our next rehearsal: Tuesday 18 April, 6;45 for a prompt 7:00 start.

Demolay House 90 Margaret Street, opposite Queen’s Park.

Astrid has posted the lyrics of Ewe Thina on the website for us to work on at home.

Look forward to seeing you there!

Cheers, Rebecca

Festival of Voices singers ticket purchase

To spare you of the frustration of trying to do something that is not currently doable:

I have just spoken to a representative with Festival of Voices as I was unable to purchase the  $99 ticket each Choirbolical member will need to purchase.

They are reconstructing their website and the ticket purchase option for singers is not available.   I was informed it may not be available until May.  They said “Don’t worry”.

They are “fully aware Choirbolical is attending” as we are registered already as a pop up performing choir (bless you Astrid!).

Hopefully this will make things easy for the rest of you!

