Rehearsal Reminder

This coming Tuesday 2nd Feb will be our first rehearsal for 2021. 6.45pm at DeMolay for a 7pm start.
Don’t forget our Workshop coming up too on Saturday morning 20th Feb 8.30am-11.30am.
Music to begin the year will be available on the night and under the repertoire tab (eventually!)

see you there, Marion


After casting our net far and wide in musical director circles we are excited to welcome Morgan Chalmers from right here in Toowoomba. 

Matt who is now happily settled in Brazil was kind enough to give our choir a good rap and put us in touch with Morgan. He is a talented young musician currently working with Shoebox Theatre Company who are putting on Avenue Q at the Empire. If you missed it last time at USQ, or want a good night out, do book tickets.

Morgan also works as a school music teacher, is an excellent tennis player and cricket tragic. 

We are going to enjoy making music together. 

VOCE – to get organised for our return to in-person (COVID safe) rehearsals VOCE will meet this coming Thursday Jan 21st 6pm Cafe63 Southtown. If you would like to be part of the group who keep Choirbolical running smoothly this year please come along (let’s hope it is not a repeat of 2020’s disruption to life!) Contact Rob with your attendance/ apology on 0422543804

REHEARSALS commence – 2nd February – 6.45pm for 7pm start. Please note the COVID protocols that will be in place when you arrive.

WORKSHOP– Saturday morning February 20th @ DeMolay with lunch to follow. 

Put the date into your diary. Details will follow.

LOOKING forward to seeing everyone again in 2021

Happy Christmas holidays

It has been quite a year of singing ‘moments’. Some of them all by our very selves. But it was a delightful way to end the year making this truly ZOOMED recording (with Astrid’s sound engineering to pull it together). For those who missed the recording session -here it is:

 If the link does not work email Rob and he will forward the private YouTube link.

Thankyou to both Matt and Astrid for carrying us through this crazy year. We look forward to our 20th year of Choirbolical in 2021. Stay tuned for what that might look like but if you know anyone who knows anyone that would like to try a musical conducting gig with an amazing bunch of people, get in touch with us!!

zoom & record Tuesday

Tuesday night we will be zooming in from home for our last recording of the year. Find the email from Rob, open up the link about 6.45pm.

Be ready to record a VOICE RECORDING ONLY! e.g. on a phone voice recording ap

Have a set of HEADPHONES you can use or share if there are two of you.

Astrid will manage all the rest. Happy singing.

… and you come to me on a Summer breeze… HOW DEEP IS YOUR LOVE

Home Practice Time!!

Hello all who are hoping to join our Zoom Recording next Tuesday. Now is the time to get ready with some HOME PRACTICE. Here is how to do it:

1) Log in to Repertoire and find the Backing Music Track – hdiyl

2) Count 7 beats and start your “Ahh’ on 8 – there are then 6 full bars of counting 4 plus 2 more beats before the altos come in. It will be important for everybody to get an idea of singing their part in isolation.

3) On Tuesday Astrid will be recording her visual screen of us singing at home on Zoom. You will be watching Astrid conduct on your computer with a headphone in your ear. At the same time you will be recording your voice on a ‘voice memo’ phone ap. It might require a few takes- ha ha. (After – send voice recording directly to Astrid – [email protected])

4) Think about how you will juggle this set up!!  Music laid out so you can look at the screen most of the time, with a spot to put your phone and record. Organise a buddy to sing with if you want – call a friend & work out how you will share the headphones! 

Thankyou to the lovely people who came out to practice ourselves in the hall – we sounded fabulous singing in a circle (shades of Festival of Voices).

ps. Linda is looking forward to seeing you Sunday if you can make it. (Directions & phone number in previous post)

Extra rehearsal

A do it ourselves rehearsal to ‘polish’ our BeeGees song together is planned for 7pm- 8pm this Tuesday 24th at DeMolay. (COVID compliant)
We will also be discussing the Zoom recording to be done the following week based on Astrid’s advice. Details will be sent to all participants via Rob’s email with the Zoom invite.

Don’t forget this coming Sunday is a get together on Linda’s outdoor patio in Highfields- 2.30pm – another chance to polish the singing! Bring own drinks and a plate of afternoon tea. Directions: from Toowoomba -Left Reid Rd- First Roundabout 3rd exit Cabarlah Pk Rd – First left barracks rd (dirt) – 2nd letterbox on right. 0409619608

Rehearsal tonight

Sorry for the late notice – so late you will receive this post a day late! Rehearsal via zoom or at deMolay is tonight 17th Tuesday. Final practice of How Deep is your Love with Astrid before recording in a fortnight.
Our do it ourselves Practice with the rehearsal recording went very well last week so we plan to do that again next Tuesday
also coming up is an afternoon at Linda’s place in Highfields
Sunday 29th 2.30pm. An end of year get together with plenty of outdoor space and chance to sing through How Deep is your Love.
If you need music for Eatnaman Vuelie please email me. [email protected] Details of Linda’s place will also be sent via email.

Extra rehearsal

A do it ourselves rehearsal is happening tomorrow (Tuesday 10th) to work on current music – How Deep is your Love. We will replay the recorded Zoom rehearsal with Astrid and take our time to work on parts. 6.45pm for 7-8pm. All welcome – COVID protocols in place.

Tuesday rehearsal

Just a quick reminder that our next rehearsal via zoom With Astrid is this coming Tuesday 3rd November, 6.45pm for 7.00 pm start. Log in at home using the link in separate email sent by Rob Or come along to DeMolay House to catch up with old friends, and meet new ones. Music available under Repertoire tab.