Hi Àll,
Due to the somewhat inclement weather, today’s rehearsal is cancelled. I will see you all next Sunday at 3pm. Have a lovely afternoon and an even better week!
Much love,
Matt xx
Hi Àll,
Due to the somewhat inclement weather, today’s rehearsal is cancelled. I will see you all next Sunday at 3pm. Have a lovely afternoon and an even better week!
Much love,
Matt xx
Hopefully we will enjoy another outdoor rehearsal this Sunday. Great roll up last week! 3pm start at Laurel Bank Park near croquet club. If weather is uncertain, check the website around 2pm. 🙂
Hi All,
Thank you so much for your patience. Our wonderful video/sound enginerr Andrew Blenkinsop has completed the video. It has been uploaded to YouTube and now available to view and share to your heart’s content. It was a delight to do such a fun project with you all and I hope that you are happy with the results.
The video is available via this link – https://youtu.be/F46Q8O_NQ5U
Please bring this piece of music along on Sunday (available in the repertoire section if you do not have it already) and we can finally do a LIVE version to hear it altogether and in-the-round.
Thanks once again for all your work. Feedback is always welcome so feel free to contact me at [email protected] to share what you thought of the experience!
Have a great week and lots of love to you all!
Matt 🙂
This Sunday at Laurel Bank Park. Meet on lawn behind Croquet Club. Bring a coffee or drink @ 2.30pm for a ‘distance’ catch up and 3pm start. Fingers crossed the weather will be good. See Matt’s posts below for music. 🙂
Hi All,
Hope you are well and keen to get back together to sing! I want to keep our first time back singing en-masse (and in person) quite simple, so we will do some familiar pieces! Please dig out your copies of the following to bring along on Sunday, 19th July (2:30pm bring-your-own-coffee for a 3pm start):
Very much looking forward to seeing you all there! Do let me know if you have any questions!
Much love and keep smiling,
Matt ^_^
Wondering what is coming up next? VOCE recently meet. Below are notes from our meeting and a plan for park rehearsals… read on
VOCE Meeting (zoom) 22/6/20
Attending: Rob, Gail, Pam, Michael, Matt, Susie, Linda, Marion, (Chris R) Apologies: Catherine, Chrissie, Stuart.
No zoom rehearsals are planned in June at this stage. Those participating in the virtual choir project will be busy practicing, recording and uploading their videos over the next couple of weeks. See email from Matt re: uploading to Dropbox.
We await updates with the pandemic medical advise in regards to returning to our evening hall rehearsals and meantime VOCE will continue to consider other alternatives.
take care all,
Our ‘isolation’ choir song is coming together beautifully with zoom practices, singing along to Matt’s fabulous videos and even the odd socially distant sing in the park.
What is coming up?
This week–
· Put the music away and practice singing along to Matt’s video of your part using headphones (or at least one so you can hear yourself and Matt). Videos are located under Repertoire tab when you log in.
· Try videoing yourself singing. Instructions below.
Next zoom rehearsal – Tues 26th May
· We will sing through the song then have time to trouble shoot and problem solve queries about recording.
Following week 27th May -2nd June
· Time to record.
INSTRUCTIONS for recording
1. Use 2 devices. One – listen, and watch Matt while singing along with headphones. Two – a recording device e.g quality phone. Don’t forget to clap!
2. Frame yourself in Landscape. Check you are framed well in the space, not too close/too far away, square on rather than looking up your nose and check what is in the background behind you.
3. Check your face has light on it. Daytime recordings with extra house/lamp lights on works well.
4. Check quality of sound on your recording device. If you miss a note or make a mistake that’s fine, but the overall quality of the sound should be clear.
5. Lastly, be colourful, have fun and smile a lot in this song.
To add a little character to the video you have the option to also send a second very short (5sec) video of yourself outside doing something you love with views of gardens, trees, sky clouds, kids (the audio will not be used but the images may).
If you haven’t seen our trial video yet – this was a few of us singing Ave Verum working out the process with Matt and our technician Andrew in Sydney who is putting it together.
Password: Choirbolical
Further instructions re: final recording and submitting videos coming next week.
p.s. A few Choirbolicals can be spotted in the latest Couch Choir of Love’s in Need of Love Today – a song we sang together not so long ago. Congratulations to Astrid and her team.
Number three this TUESDAY 19 May.
Contact your coordinator if you have any questions or difficulties connecting.
See you there. KSKS
It has been brought to my attention that some members of Choirbolical don’t always read these posts or the emails they generate. How does this happen?
So…if you have missed the wonderful rehearsal videos posted by Matt on May 3, please check in repertoire. You may have missed the little word “here” at the bottom of the message.
Enjoy and keep practising.
Please look out for any additional emails from your “part’s coordinator”. Some parts are planning a get-social-distancing-together this weekend.
Technicalities re recording will be discussed by the end of the month…I think.
Michael M