EVENTS coming up :)

We are looking forward to two events in June/July and here are the details (amended):

JUNE: Choirbolical welcomes visiting members of the National University of Singapore Society NUSS choir to a joint concert at St Stephens Neil St (opposite Empire theatre)

MON 12th June: 6.45pm for a meet and great in church. Rehearsal is 7pm – 8pm

TUES 13th June: CONCERT – meet at 7pm for a warm-up and 7.30pm concert in church. We hope to have a small audience so please invite family & friends.

JULY: Sunday 2nd July The BIG Chilly Sing in Tenterfield. 8.30am -3.45pm James Cuskelly & NZ guest conductor Megan Flint will run a day of community singing. Natalie has booked herself & the family in for a small holiday in Tenterfield in anticipation of Choirbolicals joining her on Sunday at this excellent day of singing. Hope you can make it too! See flyer.

Two events of interest in National Reconciliation Week from 27th May

Our friends from Women in Harmony will be at a local event- Yamin bah / talk place – see Eileen if interested as plans have changed.

And Choirbolical has registered to be part of a national event Voices for Generations singing the song From Little Things Big Things Grow. We will do this a little later after June committments. Meantime see Kev Carmody & Paul Kelly…

Rehearsal this coming Tuesday

Looking forward to a rehearsal with Natalie this coming Tuesday – usual time 6.45pm for 7pm start. (Thankyou to Eileen and Josh for so marvellously taking the lead last rehearsal.)

VOCE will meet beforehand – 6pm – feel free to come along if you would like to join the team who will help Linda with preparations for the NUSS choir visit in June.

Tuesday Rehearsal

May 2nd rehearsal – 6.45pm for 7pm start. It will be a little different as Natalie has other musical commitments, but a fine line-up of people will lead us through a rehearsal. Bring all your music (check current music in Repertoire) as we now work towards our next event with the NUSS choir in June. There will only be 3 rehearsals before then – 16/5; 30;5 & 6/6.

What a lovely way to spend a Sunday morning – singing around town last weekend, and many thanks to Natalie and our fan club including Chris who was there to photograph and video. Youtube links can be found under the Repertoire tab for your enjoyment.

POP UP SUNDAY 10am (23rd April)

Looking forward to seeing everyone who can make it to sing around town & to have a chat /lunch after. Natalie has the list of songs under Repertoire and practice tracks (including a new Astrid song) to encourage a little practicing beforehand. Haven’t been for a while – bring your music & come along anyway and join in where you can, or be an appreciative audience!!


Meet: Kwong Sang Walk – between Annand St and Ruthven St. Get a coffee beforehand – plenty of choices nearby.

Parking: suggest either of the council car parks in Neil St – free on Sunday

Sing and Walk will include: Kwong Sang / Art Gallery Park / Ground Up Cafe / Elephant Mural / Walton’s Stores where we will finish.

Rehearsals & dates coming up

A reminder that a choir rehearsal is coming up this Tuesday 4th April – 6.45pm for 7pm start. Don’t forget to sign the register as you come through the door (keeping a register of attendance is a requirement of DeMolay Hall).


And here are rehearsal dates and events for the term coming up:

APRIL – Tuesday April 18th – regular rehearsal

Saturday April 22nd – invitation to participate in an ANCA Community choir event in Kingaroy – SINGFEST. See:

Sunday April 23rd 10am – POP-UP sing around town. Meet at the mural opposite The Empire in Neil Street. We will walk and sing in 3 or 4 locations just for fun and have early lunch somewhere afterwards. Details to come.

MAY – Tuesdays 2nd/ 16th / 30th – regular rehearsals.

JUNE – Tuesday June 6th – regular rehearsal

Monday June 12th – combined meet and rehearsal with N.U.S.S (Singapore choir)

Tuesday June 13th – combined Concert. Details to follow.

Tuesday June 20th – regular rehearsal

JULY – Sunday 2nd July – Chilly Sing in Tenterfield – worth booking accommodation early if you wish to stay in Tenterfield and would like to spend a fantastic day of community choir singing. This is the pre-event for the Cuskelly College of Music WINTER School. Details to follow.

A great term of singing to look forward to and a few holidays in there as well. Happy Easter.

Rehearsal on Tuesday

Just a friendly reminder that Choirbolical rehearsal is this coming Tuesday 21st. 6.45pm for our 7pm start. Of course we will have all done a little home practice by then! See Natalieโ€™s previous encouraging post ๐Ÿ™‚ Gentle reminder too about fees – check out the FEES tab on the website for details.

Singing Practice

Hello Choirbolicalians! It’s time to warm-up those voices and show your family members (and neighbours) just how much singing talent you have! Please practise the following pieces for our next rehearsal on Tuesday, 21 March:

  1. Flame (Piece #5) – rehearsal tracks made by the composer have just been added to the repertoire tab so please sing along with the tracks to learn your part
  2. Can’t Help Falling in Love (Piece #2) – please sing along with the rehearsal track
  3. A Light of Hope, A Song of Peace (Piece #3) – please sing along with the rehearsal track
  4. Love Prepare Me (Piece # 4) – no rehearsal tracks for this one, just sheet music to sing along with

These 4 pieces, along with Sing and Make You Feel My Love will form the set we perform at our first Pop Up Performance on Sunday, 23 April. This informal performance will be something exciting to look forward to and prepare for!

We will also have a sing through of our brand new piece, United in Purpose (Piece #8), but there are no rehearsal tracks for this one yet. Hopefully we will also have time to sing through the beginning of The Times They Are a Changin. We have lots of music to sing at the moment so spending some time to sing through your parts at home will be quite valuable for our rehearsals! See you soon wonderful Choirbolicalians!