Rehearsal Reminder

This coming Tuesday 7th March is a rehearsal at 6.45pm for a 7pm start. Looking to seeing you for another wonderful sing or to welcome you to returning or joining us for 2023.

VOCE – the organising group will be meeting at 6pm before the rehearsal to look at upcoming events and organisational matters if you wish to attend.

Rehearsal reminder – Tuesday 21st Feb

A quick reminder that we have a rehearsal this Tuesday at 6.45pm for 7pm start. Don’t forget that rehearsal tracks and other links are already available for you to practice at home with. Look under the Repertoire tab, but you will need to have a login and password. Don’t have access? Please see Andrew at rehearsals to arrange this members only page.

Rehearsal this coming Tuesday Feb 7th

The first regular rehearsal for the year will be this Tuesday 7th. Don’t forget we have a new time this year 7pm – 8.30pm. DeMolay will be open from 6.45pm and we look forward to welcoming you along.

The Saturday workshop was a fabulous start to our year of singing, and beautifully lead by our new director Natalie, along with Deborah our accompanist. Now for lots more music making. See rehearsal dates and proposed events for the year under the Rehearsal Dates Tab – pop them in your diary. And please note a small change in our fees this year with an added music contribution; details are under the Fees Tab.

See you soon

WORKSHOP this coming Saturday! February 4th

Saturday 4th Feb 8.30am registration for 9am to 12.30pm.

The music is printed and Natalie ready to meet Choirbolicals new and old! Working alongside Natalie for this workshop will be accompanist – Deborah Meagher. So we extend a warm welcome to Choirbolical community choir and look forward to another fabulous year of singing.

Regular Choirbolicals – please bring a plate to share for morning tea and feel free to share the flyer widely. We are looking forward to a great year of singing!! $25 pre-payment welcomed (Add your name: Choirbolical – BSB 633000  Account 120540877)


February 4th WORKSHOP

Here are all the details for our first workshop for the year on Saturday 4th Feb 8.30am registration for 9am to 12.30pm. Regular Choirbolicals – please bring a plate to share for morning tea and feel free to share the flyer widely. We are looking forward to a great year of singing!! $25 pre-payment welcomed (Add your name: Choirbolical – BSB 633000  Account 120540877)

VOCE 2023 planning

A VOCE planning meeting is coming up this Wednesday 11th Jan at 10am at the cafe – ‘Another Life and Wares’ Bellevue Street.

All Choirbolical singers who are interested in helping in any way big or small during the upcoming year are encouraged to come along. If you are around, we would love to see you. The agenda includes:

1) Welcome to our new musical director for 2023

2) Rehearsal dates and possible performances

3) Finances, communications & organizational roles

3) Planning for February 4th Workshop

Can’t make it and would like to help out during the year – please let someone know as it is great to know the people we can call on to help our community choir run smoothly.

Happy New Year to everyone!! See you soon.

Choir break-up

Coming up this

This Tuesday 20th Dec – Final Choir night – Break-up and Farewells – 6.00pm for Drinks & bring a plate to share (tea & coffee provided). 7:00pm Sing for ourselves – finishing the year with a sing through selected repertoire from the past year or two (please bring music from the last two years including Shackleton which I’m sure we will nail and perform in a night!! ) Family & friends are most welcome to join us.

2022 Farewell – After two challenging (think of all the Covid hesitancy and restrictions), wonderful years with Morgan as our musical director, he has decided to move on and focus on a new teaching position and study.  We wish Morgan all the very best and thank him enormously for sharing his love of music. We will also be farewelling Eligh who has been playing piano for us during the year, as he is moving to study in Brisbane!

2023 Where to next for Choirbolical? Some of you will remember Natalie Otto accompanied us at the end of 2021. This year Natalie has taken time out to travel with her family around Australia, but will be returning to Toowoomba in the new year and we are excited to welcome her to be our Choirbolical musical director for 2023. 

FEBRUARY WORKSHOP – please put Feb 4th – 9am-12pm with lunch to follow on your 2023 calendar. This is always a great way to start our year of singing and good to invite anyone interested in singing with us to come along. Details will follow in the new year.

VOCE – this is a group of people who are willing to help with the many tasks that keep our choir running smoothly. Our first meeting for the year will be held Wednesday Jan 11th10am. It will be a great opportunity to meet Natalie and to discuss ideas for the year. All are most welcome – the more people the better! Again, details will follow.

A happy Christmas holiday time to all.

Jazz Performance this Friday

Morgan put his magic spell on us again at rehearsals tonight and the small group of us that can make it to the Jazz club this Friday will be singing: Wonderful World; Lovely Day; and Comes Love. Thankyou also to Eligh for his part in rehearsing! And to our soloists Josh & Kathryn 🙂

Friday 9th Dec – JAZZ CLUB performance. approx.8:15pm  We are the ‘interval act’ for an evening of Jazz music by the Paul Hendon band – Rhythm Plus

Where: RINK 46 – formerly Drayton Bowls Club – crn Gipps and Ball St Drayton. Music starts at 7:30pm. Meals are available from 5:30pm.

Those arriving early – mention you are Choirbolical – as tables will be set aside for those booked for whole evening, (including those who want to go early for a meal) $15 entry.

Folk arriving later to perform – meet in the carpark at 7.50pm for a warm-up sing. We will perform at approx. 8.15pm. (No cost if just performing)

Changed your mind and want to come for the evening- bookings are essential and can be made by texting Michelle Alroe (0408282007) by Thursday (mention Choirbolical)

With the current amber status for covid – masks are quite acceptable, you may wish to wear & remove just for performance. See you there.
