Christmas Singing

Pam has been sent some information about Toowoomba’s Inaugural Christmas Tree Festival at St Luke’s and Choirbolical has been invited to sing on Wednesday 12th Dec between 7-8pm with a couple of 20-25min brackets. What does everyone think? We will need to get back to the organizers soon.

We’re Online!

Westhaven warm-upWesthaven singdsc00722.JPG

Photos from our sing at Westhaven on Anzac Day and picnic that followed.

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VOCE Meeting


Present: Marion, Andrew, Brian, Rebeka, Ritamay, Catherine, Di, Kent

Apologies: Margaret

1. Web Site. We had a guided tour through the new web site (which this is now posted on)

2. Finances. We currently have a healthy balance. All accounts have been paid except for the construction of this web site. Once an invoice is received we can pay this. Kent will pay for hire of venue for Spring Sing and be reimbursed for that on the day.

3. Spring Sing. Choral Hall has been booked for Spring Sing for whole day. James Cuskelly will conduct workshop – Kent will double-check his availability. Marion will prepare flyer.

4. Christmas Lights Carols. Check with Choirbolical members and Margaret next rehearsal whether we have enough people available – it could be a really good chance to get up and sing some Christmas songs/carols together in public.