Tuesday Zoom Rehearsal

A reminder that this coming Tuesday night we are starting Term 4 rehearsals. Please click this link to join Choirbolical Zoom Rehearsal: Oct 20, 2020. You’ll be held in in the Waiting Room until the meeting opens at 6:45pm ready for Astrid to join us at 7pm.

You have the option to join the zoom session from home or come to Demolay House from 6:45pm where we will have ample room to social distance and Astrid will be on a big screen. Astrid plans to introduce her arrangement of this Bee Gees song, if you find time, please  familiarise yourself : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-7N89nsPLQ

Not financial this Term? No sweat, simply transfer only 50% of your Term fee to attend all rehearsals. 
Lee has kindly pulled together the Covid19 Safety Plan for VOCE consistent with Demoloy and government requirements  – thanks heaps Lee. Please read the Plan and follow directions on Tuesday evening to ensure we are legally accountable and have the highest standards of health and safety for all.
Warm regards, Rob
M 0422543804

Term 4 here we come!

Hello lovely Choirbolicals – it’s time to sing again! After farewelling Matt, we are welcoming back Astrid in Term 4 to lead us in some virtual zoom sessions to rehearse. If all goes well there may also be some extra meet ups at the hall.
Dates: Tuesday nights 7pm- 8.30pm

October 6th – Trial ZOOM – social meet up to ensure we are ready to go with Astrid. We have purchased an unlimited time Zoom package and Rob will be the meeting Host. You should receive a Zoom Meeting invitation via a separate email. This initial ‘trial’ will open 6.50pm and Rob will admit you from the waiting room ready for 7pm. We encourage everyone to pop into this trial.
If you have not previously Zoomed with us or do not receive the invite by Sunday please email Rob to ensure you can join us – [email protected]

Tuesday Zoom Rehearsals with Astrid October 20th / November 3rd / November 17th

Social and rehearsal – Sunday 29th November 2.30pm Linda’s home in Highfields- details to follow.

Zoom rehearsal and live recording with Astrid.
December 1st

Looking forward to seeing folk and singing with you again soon. from the VOCE group.

Cancelled plans

Just letting everyone know the ‘rehearsal’ and farewell to Matt this coming Sunday 13/9 has been cancelled due to COVID restrictions. Thank-you to Linda for her kind hosting offer. A much reduced/staggered farewell is planned and details have been sent by Pam via email.
Term 4 online singing will be posted soon.
But for now best wishes to Matt has he heads to Rio.

23rd September Rehearsal – Cancelled

Hi All,

Due to the rather inclement weather and a new Covid-19 cluster identified in West Brisbane, we will cancel the rehearsal tomorrow (23rd September).

At this stage our next rehearsal will be the 13th September at the wonderful Linda’s house in Highfields. We will be in touch with further details closer to the date.

Stay safe and well.

Matt xx

News and rehearsals

Firstly, with sadness we will be farewelling Matt soon. With much soul searching he has made the decision to move to Brazil in September and we wish him all the happiness one can have in these strange and extraordinary times.

Astrid has kindly and generously offered to work with us after Matt leaves. So… zoom rehearsals in parts will resume and Astrid has plans fo try out a new videoing recording method with us. Details will be in a future post.

In the meantime- we have enjoyed three Park rehearsals and have two more planned at Laurel Bank Park – Hill Street side. It worked very well with our now ‘portable’ piano and tucked in out of the wind.
Dates: Sunday’s 16th and 23rd August. 3pm-4pm.
See current repertoire- we have been practicing all pieces except ‘Africa’.

Date claimer – Farewell to Matt & sing
Sunday September 13th. 3pm at Linda’s home in Highfields. Details will follow – thank-you to Linda for the kind offer to use her enormous outdoor area so we can safely socially distance.
We also have the offer of this space if the weather is raining for the next two rehearsals and the change will be with a notice posted on the website on Sunday morning.

See you soon.

Sunday Park rehearsal

This Sunday’s rehearsal (9/8) will be again in Laurel Bank Park but move to behind Laurel Bank Hall on the Hill Street side. Bring all current music for an enjoyable sing with Matt. 3pm start.
At 4pm a VOCE meeting will follow our sing to discuss where to next. There are no plans to return to our deMolay evening rehearsals in the near future – so all ideas and suggestions welcome.

cheers Marion

Sunday park rehearsal

We will meet near the Croquet Club in Laurel bank for a sing Sunday afternoon after 2.30pm for a 3 pm start till 4pm. The weather looks like it will be kind to us this week and masked and unmasked singers welcome!
Bring all your music including Somewhere over the Rainbow to sing in real time together. We plan to have a piano this week 🙂